Bad Maids


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She fell in love with an immature young master. She, a commoner, with a young master from an aristocratic family that she shouldn’t have coveted recklessly.

Due to him being from an outstanding family, Yulia was killed at the hands of assassins sent by the marquis family, but it’s strange. She clearly met her death but her life didn’t end.

“Thank you for saving me.” The beginning was always the same. While being chased by assassins, she was rescued by the one called the Wolf of the Empire. Then, she died. Again and again.

After experiencing death eight times, Yulia finally realized. The fact that she wouldn’t be able to enjoy the rest provided by death as long as she didn’t put an end to the outstanding family who ordered to kill her.

As a result, in her ninth life, Yulia decided to become a maid at the royal palace. In order to obtain the highest position one could rise to as a commoner.

“What is the reason you wish to become a royal maid?”

“To cut off the head of Marjoram with the hands of the royal family.”

Will this life’s revenge be successful?

Associated Names
One entry per line
Bad Handmaidens
The Wicked Ladies in Waiting
나쁜 시녀들
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Latest Release

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2 Reviews sorted by

thecoloroflilies rated it
September 4, 2023
Status: c46
It's a really nicely written series. The translation is wonderful as well. So far there's been a big focus on political intrigue, and the main character, while fairly competent and lucky, still suffers from her low social status. Romance seems like it'll be very slow burn. All of the characters are well thought out and consistent with what you'd imagine someone in their situation would be like. Anyway, I like it!
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koco2018 rated it
May 18, 2024
Status: c44
It has a good story, but my childish heart pulls out when the suffering is foreshadowed as a fact.

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2nd prince... he keeps foreshadowing his longing and forever unsuccessful love with MC, stating that his biography will start with, 'Saying not to fall in love is like a spell to fall in love.'

I'm glad that he is aware of being the 2nd male lead, but could you stop being so pitiful about it? Yes, it won't come true, stop making me sad for you.

Even when he's certain of this becoming a failed love, he keeps liking her. It's annoying, and I think the author is going to show this man slowly fall in deep and crush his heart by showing MC and ML's budding love. Can you imagine? I don't want to see it.

I don't love the 2nd Prince, but I don't hate him enough to watch him willingly fall in love knowing he cannot act on it, knowing he can never have her, and knowing he'll have to see her happy with someone else. Are you a masochist? This author was cruel for that.


Anyway, the novel is fun with an MC on her 9th unwarranted life, her revenge on her ex's family which happens to be the most blackhearted backstabbing snake-like Marquis, and her romance with ML. You'll meet ML from the get-go, he's pretty cool and will slowly heal MC's trauma. Trauma? She's lived 8 lives and was mu*dered by her ex's family each one, only to come back to the moment she was first betrayed and left to freeze to death. <<less
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