Bad Boys Boot Camp


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Qin Mo never thought that he would ever find himself in such a wretched state. He—by his own father—was labelled as mentally-ill and sent off to a reformatory that claimed it saved kids who are troubled.

The only good thing that happened from his plight was him being able to meet Shen Zhuoyun, a boy who shared the same goal as himself. Thus, together, the two plotted to escape, to free themself from that living hell.

But why… why did it so happen that the once smiling Shen Zhuoyun, a boy who once laughed with reckless abandon, that ended up crumbling away? Bit by bit, he fell apart until nothing but a dark cruel nature was left completely exposed before him.

Then, after the sixth year they were free from that boot camp, why did Shen Zhuoyun, of all people, again stand before him with sun-kissed skin and a core moulded from darkness itself.”

Associated Names
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Bad Students: Juvenile Concentration Camp
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  1. Novels 8

Latest Release

Date Group Release
09/13/24 CN Translations v1c13
09/06/24 CN Translations v1c12
08/30/24 CN Translations v1c11
08/23/24 CN Translations v1c10
08/16/24 CN Translations v1c9
08/09/24 CN Translations v1c8
08/03/24 CN Translations v1c7
08/02/24 CN Translations v1c6
07/27/24 CN Translations v1c5
07/26/24 CN Translations v1c4
07/19/24 CN Translations c3
07/12/24 CN Translations c2
07/21/24 CN Translations c1
07/06/24 CN Translations c0
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