Baby Princess’ Survival Diary


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Abandoned by her parents at the age of two. She was given divine powers at the age of five. She was entrusted to a temple and the Duke who came to know about her, and dreamed of a reasonably hopeful life.

But it wasn’t enough for her to be mistreated; she ended up starving to death in a dungeon, deprived of her divine powers.

But God gave her a second chance. As soon as she was back at the age of five, she ran towards one place without looking back. The Duke who had taken her, and the only rival of the Temple, the Duke of Vieherville!

Associated Names
One entry per line
agi gongnyeonim-ui saengjon ilji
아기 공녀님의 생존 일지
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4 Reviews sorted by

DemiUchiha rated it
April 5, 2022
Status: c20
I had to drop it unfortunately. I wanted to like it because I like child mc's and seeing their interactions with parents and siblings and such, but the baby talk (mispronounced words) is a bit irritating. 5 year olds nowandays talk properly. I would know because I have several nieces and nephews all under the age of 9 and they talk just fine without extra syllables and stuff.

Maybe I'll pick it back up later because I do like that she's OP and would love to see her master her powers... more>> properly (^.^) <<less
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Smile_for_me rated it
February 7, 2022
Status: c15
I have mixed feelings for this :/ Although im a huge fan of rofan this is one of those hit or miss novels for me.

The narrative is too fast to establish feelings or even get to know the characters. Reading this... felt like I was just reading, thats all. I couldnt immerse myself at all with how fast-pace the narration was moving.

It completely missed opportunities to deepen character bonds and making us feel it by making this "super emotional moment" to be written in just one sentence then boom next... more>> scene.

On the bright side! The duke is a really good dad, he is cold face yes but he has humanity omg can you believe that. A non-as*hole super strong duke that doesnt need lessons to take care of a kid? Now thats a surprise. Their family also has actual problems because of the other duke's daughter, unexpected for me since dukes (usually the ones MCs go to) have no problems most of the time it was another nice surpise uwu

I really really love the dad he just so smoothly accepts MC into the family and treats her like a baby with no complaints at all. The little baby brother is very adorable too, not sure about big bro since by the time im making this review he only appeared for one chapter and hes not even talking to anyone at that part.


the holy beasts are so cute!I love how Driane gives off aggressive mom vibes


I like these types of novels so I might stick by. <<less
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RosieBird rated it
January 13, 2023
Status: c26
I'm a sucker for this kind of story so I've read a lot of them, and what really stands out to me in this one is that she acts her age. In most of these stories, the author tries to make us believe they have the mind of an adult, but they act like a small child. In this story, she may have been 15, but she was never taught things like how to read and write, and she never developed emotionally in the first place, so her child-like actions... more>> and questions seem reasonable. It stands out to me as not just a cut-and-paste story, but like the author is actually a little creative. Also, the translation was not horrible, I'd give it a 7/10. <<less
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Simpfor2d rated it
March 28, 2021
Status: c1
I just found this novel and I'm already lovin' it, I feel bad for her shes just a 5 yrs old girl..: (. I'm gonna give it 4 stars for now cause it only have 1 chapter so I have to look forward for this novel:)
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