As Long As You Are Happy


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It had been days of misery. Living a life where she could not die. Rhett, who had been living in the slums, found herself at the cusp of being sold off to a pe*verted noble.

“H-help me…!”

Her first attempt at rebellion had been easily thwarted and just when she thought that this was how she would die.

“You’re safe now.”

She was saved by a man she had never seen before. And she was granted a fantastical life. When she learned of her parents, whom she had initially thought never existed, she regained her real name, Irina. As she stayed with the kind people of the Winfried House, Irina healed her wounds that she had been suffering from and grew little by little.

“Miss Irina. Be happy here.”

The man who had saved her, Duke Rogan Winfried. Irina had fallen in love with him as though it was only natural.

But she wondered why? Why did she feel a little empty inside though they shared the same feelings? Why did it seem like he was suffering?

‘You said that you wanted me to be happy.’

I wish for the same.

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  1. Slice of life/romance genre (kr novels)
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  3. Korea female protagonist 2

Latest Release

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04/03/23 woopread translations c19
04/03/23 woopread translations c18
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