As I Devoted Myself To Serving The Girl Who Would Eventually Become A Hero, She Becomes A Useless Layabout When She’s Alone With Me


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Rei Galias is the girl who will eventually become a Hero—that’s why I, Yune Stila, loyally serve her.

Everything was for the sake of securing my future, but… I noticed that Rei, who usually behaves like a perfect military academy student who everyone admires, seems to become a useless layabout when she’s alone with me…?

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One entry per line
Izure eiyū ni naru on'nanoko ni kenshin-teki ni sesshite itara, jibun ga inaito damena ko ni natta
Related Series
Recommendation Lists
  1. Female mc third part
  2. [ SHOUJO AI / GL ] (* ^ w ^)
  3. fully translated gl novels
  4. cute, short reads
  5. Yuri/GL novels I read

Latest Release

Date Group Release
02/12/21 Foxaholic oneshot
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Srennis rated it
April 8, 2023
Status: oneshot
When I noticed its a oneshot, I figured the story will be short and after so long putting it aside, I thought I should just read it.

After I read it, it was even shorter than I expected, it literally is one shot..., I barely feel anything before it even ended. The plot from the summary sound interesting, but this oneshot just felt like a snippet of that story, nit much of a story.

I rate it a 4, not because its good but because its too short to say anything is... more>> bad. Cant say I recommend it though, but you can give it a go if you have a couple of minute. <<less
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Hourglass rated it
February 15, 2022
Status: Completed
The only bad thing about this is that it is a oneshot. The story was so cute, full on fluff, and little plot. Just give it a try, I did not for a long time because of the low rating. But I realised it was because it was a new novel, so of course the ratings are low. Ignore the rating, the plot is the entirety of the summary, so please please please just try it out. Its a oneshot for goodness sake.
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