Armor-Piercing Rounds Don’t Believe in Carbon-Based Monsters


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A seemingly ordinary training exercise led Chen Jian and his squad into a completely different dimension.

In a post-apocalyptic world where monsters run rampant, the remaining humans struggle to survive under the terror of clawed predators.

To fight the monsters, the survivors abandoned everything. Humanity no longer exists; animal instincts have become the norm. To defeat them, one must first become like them.

Chen Jian was supposed to follow the path of those around him, seeking maddening evolutionary transformations.

But when a tungsten-core armor-piercing round pierced through the horned armor of a Kui Ox for the first time, he suddenly realized…

Perhaps there’s another way to survive.

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01/29/25 BOTI Translation c34
01/29/25 BOTI Translation c33
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