Aren’t You Too Sweet Salt-God Sato-San? (LN)


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Sato Koharu is a pretty girl that everyone can recognize.

But her attitude with anyone is so bitter that she got nicknamed “salt-god Sato-san.” Anyone who tried to get close to her got emotionally injured in a brutal way.

Though for some reason, I was able to save Sato-san from pick-up boys where I was working at. Which made her like me, and thus I became a friend of “salt-god Sato-san.”

In front of everyone, she is a salt-god, but in front of me, she is so sweet. This is a high school life story between Sato-san and I.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Shiotaiou no Satou-san ga Ore ni dake Amai
Shio taiō no Satō-san, konomae nanpa kara tasukete kara nanka ore ni dake mechakucha amakunai? (Old title)
塩対応の佐藤さん、この前ナンパから助けてからなんか俺にだけメチャクチャ甘くない? (Old title)
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Latest Release

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