Anyone Who Bullies Dragons Are Sick


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OP: I am a Green Dragon! Now I’m locked up in a mental hospital! How can I prove that I’m a normal dragon!? It’s urgent! Waiting online!!

First Reply: Hhhh, this is killing me. Are mental hospitals so advanced now that they let patients go online?

Second Reply: Just give up. With your self-identity setup, you’ll never get out of the mental hospital…

Third Reply: What!? A Green Dragon? Can you grant wishes???

OP: Reply to Third Reply, I can grant wishes, but the dragon has lost its powers and cannot fulfill your wish. Unless you help the dragon regain its reverse scale and restore its powers, then mountains of gold and silver will be no problem.

Fourth Reply: I, Qin Shihuang, send money!

Fifth Reply: The original poster is mentally ill, case closed!

The angry little Green Dragon flips the table (╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻

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1 Review

Aug 03, 2024
Status: c14



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It feels like the ML is bullying a child and I don't like it. Especially since he's a doctor who's supposed to be taking care of his patients, not taking advantage of them.

Even if the MC isn't a child or actually mentally impaired, the ML is convinced otherwise and routinely ab*ses his power over the situation for his own amusement.

And children and mentally impaired people are not capable of inform consent. If this is going into smut territory as the tags imply, the breach of ethics is astounding. I don't care if the MC proves he's a dragon first or whatever going to happen, proving he's capable of consent. What's happening now is enough to give me the icks. ML is crushing on a child like person.

What's to stop the ML from drugging his patient and taking advantage of them? Not his ethics, clearly.

There's nothing romantic about any of this.

I'd almost prefer it to jump genres into an infinite flow/horror because then you at least expect some messed up dynamics. (And the mental hospital setting is perfect)

There's nothing funny about scaring someone you like until they're crying. And the gaslighting...


This whole thing makes my skin crawl specifically because its being presented as romance/comedy.

im done.


The story is extremely readable, but not my cup of tea. <<less
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