Another World Reincarnation Chronicle


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Memories of my past life came back to me.

I set out to find my dream.

Don’t look for me.

I left a note at home and ran away.


When I suddenly regained my senses, the first thing that came into view was the vast sky.

I blinked and absentmindedly admired the clouds drifting by.

The sky was being painted in a brilliant sunset hue, as if to tell me that the sun was setting.

How long has it been since I admired the sky in such a daze?

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Otherworld Reincarnation White Paper
이세계 전생백서
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Genre Exauster
Genre Exauster rated it
November 22, 2024
Status: Completed
Having just read all 212 chapters of Another World Reincarnation Chronicles, I can confidently say that it is a perfect 10/10. My only complaint is that I wish the author made the story longer, even if it would ruin the perfect pacing, because it's just that good. (I genuinely would be fine if the author doubled the chapters with filler content alone)

Remarkably enough, out of all 212 chapters, not a single one is wasted. I can truthfully say that there is no filler, and all plot points in the... more>> story lead and tie into future events.

I came into this thinking it would just be cute and fun moments, but the story has an important plot with massive setups you can start noticing after Emily (later refered to as Sirus) does her first mission.

I was pleased while reading to theorize parts of events that would happen 50 chapters in advance correctly, and it was extremely cathartic to look back and notice crazy amounts of foreshadowing you'd likely only be able to understand with future context.

I see that the other review currently listed gives minor complaint to all the characters being too nice (which is for the most part correct in the story, outside of a few standout characters), but that simply isn't what this story is about.

In simple terms, the genre can be simply stated to be adventure. From beginning to end, Sirus just has the goal of going on adventures. The adventures are fun, mostly light hearted (outside of the fight scenes, which all stuck out as being especially high quality) in how events are treated.

In summary, Another World Reincarnation Chronicles is a light hearted hearted read that gives you an enjoyable series of adventures, mixed in with the intermediate high quality action scenes. All the plot points and stories, appears at first to be the act of an author making it up as they go. However, it ends up being a meticulously planned story that wastes absolutely nothing, and is dense with important plot details that will tempt you to re-read the story the moment you finish it so that you can notice all the hidden details.

PS: If you're impatient like me, mtl sites are fine if you're capable of auto filtering incorrect pronouns for characters because you read too much mtl and you don't even make conscious thoughts about fixing them in your head lol <<less
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Felo rated it
November 14, 2024
Status: c16
A charming little book of a fantasy world reincarnation. At the age of 13, Emily's memories of her past life came back to her, after which her life was set on a different course. We get to see Emily's explorations of the wider world, and her life as an adventurer.

If I had to give criticism, it's that everyone in this world is too nice - at least the people Emily meets. There are bandits and such, but the regular blacksmiths, merchants, and wizards are all upstanding people which is.... a... more>> bit unrealistic for a medieval fantasy world. There also isn't much depth to the characters we have been introduced to yet including Emily to a degree, nor really much conflict or greater plot either besides Emily's personal ambition to see the world and adventuring quests. We have had a little bit of world building as Emily travels that is hinting at a future plot development, though it's yet to be seen. Hopefully these issues will be addressed and the story will get more fleshed out.

The translation itself is high quality and it seems the translator is releasing daily translations - it's a good time to join in, and see how this story goes. For now I'll keep my review at 5 stars until more chapters are released. I truly am enjoying the book and the base writing is good, although its closer to a 4 in all honesty - here's to hoping for plot and characterization. I think the makings of a great book are there.

Chapter 34 edit:

Pretty much all my prior issues have been addressed, it's a fun story and I'll be keeping this review at a 5 <3. I would still like more depth to Emily, though I think we'll be getting it eventually, and I can appreciate the focus of the story is on the adventure over everything else <<less
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Xu rated it
December 24, 2024
Status: c35
An isekai focusing on exploration and adventure instead of the generic OP protagonist saving the world with an harem. That's more or less all the positive things I can say about this.

There's nothing horrible about this novel though, it's just empthy. I would rate this 2.5 stars, but I rounded down cause even if you want something light and mindless to read to pass time, I think there's better choices.

The setting is meh, the author doesn't spend time trying to paint a vivid picture, but there's no need for it,... more>> because it's just another generic fantasy world; if you've read isekais before in your life you're going to be familiar with everything in it, even if it's not explained.

The protagonist's only trait is that she wants to see the world. The gender bender aspect or the fact that the she's a girl has basically no impact at all, you could read the story with the pronouns flipped and it would make no difference. The only thing is that other characters tend to have a good/friendly first impression of her because she's good looking.

Like the protagonist, the other characters have no depth at all, they're not even cliché, every character feels like a background character.

There isn't much of a plot, just the protagonist exploring the world going from place to place. In general that's not a problem, but because worldbuilding and characters also are so shallow, it contributes to this novel feeling empthy. Edit: to be fair there is something (see spoiler) but I'd call that part of the generic isekai setting, rather than "plot"

there's an ice dragon "awakening" causing a long winter and monster rampages, I'm sure the protagonist will at some point end up encountering it and subduing it, but for now it was just mentioned off-handedly


If the worldbuilding was unique and deep, you could excuse the lack of plot and the fact that the protagonist and secondary characters pretty much form no relationship (you could even say that it's "realistc" for an adventurer to always be on the move without forming deep connections). If the protagonist and secondary characters had great personalities, growth, characterization, you could excuse the shallow worldbuilding and plot. This novel has nothing of the sort. <<less
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Nekomimik rated it
December 22, 2024
Status: c41
Tired of convoluted plot? Plot twists too many? Harems? Systems? Overpowered? Peerless? Want some simple adventure fantasy that explores the world? With good splash of action and mystery and excitement? Look no further! Give Another World Reincarnation. Chronicles a try!

The story is engaging but simple. You can follow along without getting fatigued from current trends when isekai is involved (OP skill, tragic background, etc.). The action isn't just our protagonist overpowering everything but with a sense of struggle and dash of luck. There is a sense of growth at each... more>> point and a sense of wonder and adventure all around.

My only gripe is with the translator unable to stick to a single spelling for names. Like with the protagonist's name. Or one of the supporting character. But, aside from that, it is a quality that is readable (with the standards based on poor quality mtls out there). <<less
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Snooty rated it
December 19, 2024
Status: Completed
This story is fantastic. This is one of the rare ones where the protagonist actually wants to explore the isekai world. Meaning the author actually spends time with the world building and lore, instead of relying on common tropes. I feel like reading up to chapter 150, this was probably the best novel I've read on this site.

HOWEVER, I also feel as if it was around this point that the author started to get bored with the novel. Fights that used to take creativity and luck became more of the... more>> protagonist just spamming a bunch of moves and items. Exploration that always led to some big 'secret of the world' reveal became more of just her visiting a place to get some more power, and then leaving without any real payoff. The last places she explored were actually super interesting, but it just didn't amount to much of anything at the end. <<less
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Flash reader
Flash reader rated it
December 14, 2024
Status: c39
If I have to describe this novel in two words, it would be adventure and progression. The MC wants to see the world and needs to get more powerful and skilled to travel around safely.

The MC recovers her memories from her past life when she was a man at the age of 13 and refuses to marry young and live as a typical villager, so she trains in the sword to leave and see the world.

The GB doesn’t seem too relevant to the story. It wouldn’t have mattered if the... more>> MC was female from the start.

Usually, in this kind of story the MC gets involved in cooking, research and developing of modern technology, cooking, crafting, COOKING, complicated relationships with their companions, did I mention cooking? However, this story truly focus in the adventure. The MC decides new locations very fast on a whim or necessity, try to not get involved with the local powers, meetings and partings are swift and sometimes old friends meet again.

Feels refreshing when an adventure novel truly focuses on the adventuring part without too much unnecessary filler. <<less
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