Another World Fluffy Cafe


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As a thank you for helping God, Taichi is transported to another world as the strongest tamer.

However, his job is not just a tamer, but “one loved by fluffy things.” Using the [Tame] skill, he turns cute fluffy things into familiars.

And his goal is to open a “Fluffy Cat Cafe” — a place where cats can relax and unwind on the outskirts of the city!

Associated Names
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Isekai Mofumofu Cafe,
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Latest Release

Date Group Release
12/25/24 DarkStar Translations c88
12/24/24 DarkStar Translations c87
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12/20/24 DarkStar Translations c85
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12/10/24 DarkStar Translations c77
12/09/24 DarkStar Translations c76
12/06/24 DarkStar Translations c75
12/05/24 DarkStar Translations c74
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pizazzchica3579 rated it
December 27, 2024
Status: c88
A twist on the isekai genre where the MC focuses on taming fluffy creatures and having a mofumofu cafe. The most unique part is probably the one who isekai's him being the most helpful one that I think I have ever read. An entertaining enough read that the manga closely follows. I will probably not read again.
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