Another World Computer Developer


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In a world without computers, the internet, smartphones, or AI, I couldn’t stand the inconvenience. So, I took matters into my own hands and decided to create them from scratch!

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이세계 컴퓨터 개발자
Related Series
When the Crown Prince Has a Technology System (1)
Another World Game Developer (1)
Became a Board Game Producer in Another World (1)
Isekai Online Game Developer (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Office time read
  2. Great Reads

Latest Release

Date Group Release
12/05/24 Moonlax Novels c46
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11/10/24 Moonlax Novels c35
11/04/24 Moonlax Novels c34
11/03/24 Moonlax Novels c33
10/31/24 Moonlax Novels c32
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New Kines rated it
November 12, 2024
Status: c36
Author focused too much on how it came to be and principles behind invention more than the fun and the limitless possibilities the tech brings. No fun reactions from characters about it either. And the place is very slow ish (not sure yet only 36 chapters). The whole thing felt more like a big college group project in fantasy than a light novel tbh. Not recommended, but if you like very detailed (? Not sure cause I am not a tech guy) what if about computer in Fantasy world then... more>> by all means <<less
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