An Illustrated Guidebook to Other Races


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This is an adventure story where “you” collect scenes with other races in another world.

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Other Races Guidebook
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What to Do When All Your Knights Are Psychos (Shared Universe)
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  1. fishy MLs~~~

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yuzuki rated it
October 12, 2020
Status: Completed
Hiyo, I'm the translator~ This is my third time re-writing this review!

An Illustrated Guidebook to Other Races is fundamentally a reverse harem novel that is structured a lot like an otome game (except you obviously can't pick the routes). Every chapter is a sort of CG ("scene") with one of the male leads, the basic premise of the entire story is to ship the MC ("you") with virtually every humanoid fantasy creature that the author can think of, whether that be mermaids, werewolves, dragons, demons, lizardmen, lamias, and more. In... more>> fact, the title of the novel is a direct reference to this collect-them-all premise, sort of like "An Illustrated Guidebook to Plants" or "An Illustrated Guidebook to Birdwatching" book that you might find in your local library.

As you might expect, there is an enormous cast of MLs (too many to count), and virtually everyone that the MC ("you") meets ends up liking you. This is also one of the major downsides in this novel, in the sense that there isn't really a "main" or "official" ML, and the ending is open-ended (T_T I'm crying still... ugh), and the relationships don't progress as far as I would like with any of them. I often found myself disappointed when my favorite ML didn't get enough screen time, and instead another ML came rolling along to steal "you" away from your fluffy time with husbando. ;-;

I hate you, author! The entire story is basically continuous fanservice where the MC is passed around like a dozen guys, and there's never enough time to settle emotionally on one or go all the way. By the way, there's no s*x in this story, since it's published on jjwxc (which has strict no-smut rules). If you are looking for that, you can try reading What To Do When All Your Knights Are Psychos, which is written by the same author and supposedly occurs in the same twisted universe.

One thing to keep in mind is that the setting to this universe very dark. If you like dark otome games (i.e. the ones with a dark backstory or atmosphere, like Black Wolves Saga), you will probably enjoy this story. The setting is extremely twisted and disturbing in some areas, although the protagonist is generally pure-hearted and never ends up an actual victim herself. The demi-humans are often mistreated by humans in this universe, so several of the MLs have really sad backstories (in addition to being yanderes or twisted in some way). Also, they're not human, so many of them lack human common sense or values, such as wanting to eat you (literally). This story toes the line with suggestive BD*M themes, s*avery, ab*se, non-con, gore, and vore (eaten by monsters).

In the synopsis, the author says this story is inspired by an "unnamed new show". This is referring to the Winter 2020 ecchi comedy anime, Ishuzoku Reviewers. The author has essentially genderbent the premise, and many of the protagonist's female guildmates (including "your" sister) are prolific visitors of male brothels. On the other hand, "You" (the protagonist), are generally more conservative and reserved, shunning most steamy situations even though it's practically happening on your lap.

The author's writing style is very interesting and unique. There is so much detail in their writing, and only little bits of information are revealed at a time, sort of like looking at a snapshot of the protagonist's life. I was consistently impressed by the detailed worldbuilding, and I often felt like I could get a vivid image of this world. There were many times when I caught myself imagining "what if" this or that happened, and I really wish I could read fan-fiction or spinoffs detailing X, Y, or Z routes where certain things in the story diverged differently. I want good and bad ends with each ML!!!!! T-T

Overall, this story was an emotional rollercoaster for me. I think you have to have a very specific taste to like it (if you can't handle dark stuff, you should stay far away!!!), but I got s**ked into the story immediately and wish that I had more branches to explore and enjoy. The official ending though.... @__@ <<less
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whereismori rated it
October 10, 2020
Status: Completed
7.5 stars

This is the 2nd time writing this review because the site reloaded.

Alright lets start off with the disclaimers, there is cannibalism, light gore, s*avery, ab*se, child neglect, and yanderes.

... more>> That last one can be a plus for some people.

This is a reader insert so the original fanfiction various x reader vibes are here. Not really a bad thing because if you like that genre you will most likely like this.

All those looking for p*rn this is not it. There's no real s*x in this story so if you are looking for it, look somewhere else.

Its a good read and entertaining for a few hours if you decide to turn your brain off. It ranks slightly above average for me in the writing style department. I gave it brownie points for being easy to read, but its nothing super special.

This is truely a reverse harem in that there is basically no male lead.

All of them get the same screen time of 2nd or 3rd male love intetest in my eyes. There are a lot of them so I'm not surprised.

  1. Werewolf: I think his name is Doberman or something and I laughed. Typical yandere.
  2. Devil: I forgot how to spell his name but I think I like him a most. Gentle type that

    used to be raised as cattle for humans with exotic taste (they raise and kill children from different races for meat) but escaped when he was younger and was healed by the MC.

  3. Mermaid: This poor creature was basically forgotten by the author in a big chunk of the plot and his whole relationship with the MC is a misunderstanding.
  4. Knight: Good man who is

    the Mc's ex boyfriend but she doesn't know it. There is a misunderstanding that he has a dead lover and she thinks she is used as a replacement for her when... that person is her. (She has no memory of dating him until the end)

  5. Angel: Super gap moe man, 9/10 adorable. Cold on the outside super silly on the inside.
  6. Dragon: He's like a spoiled cat who doesn't like his owner getting along with anyone else. Yandere traits.
  7. Dark elf: This is the most important one out of these men. He is the bomb there basically caused the 2nd half of the plot to move along. I'm conflicted on him, he's not a good man and its easy to see. He is really the "there is no medicine for regret" character in a nutshell.
  8. Black Snake: Half snake man, his species eats humans and other races and is known for being merciless. Not actually a terrible lover, he is pretty gentle to the MC all and all.
  9. Green snake: Same species as #8 but younger. He tries to steal the MC from #8 and also #8's role as the leader.
I don't know names and its easy to see, 107 chapters and I lack any connections to the characters. To sum it up, this novel is okay. <<less
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