An Evil Cinderella Needs a Villain


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A former villainess who died after frivolously messing up the love between the male and female lead, Lilith.
They say you’ll pay for it if you do evil deeds, and Lilith became a side character in a novel who gets ab*sed by her stepmother and gets married off to a tr*shy man. Determined to live kindly this time, Lilith recruits the worst villain to teach her stepmother and stepsisters a lesson.

“So you’re telling me to create a scene while pretending to be your lover.”
“Exactly! If they get treated terribly they’ll live kind lives too. Like me!”

The villain is really good at his job. Now the only thing left is to take care of the stepmother and the baron and live kindly and quietly like a side character would. But I’ll give this man a hint since I’m grateful.
“Don’t ever start an unrequited love unless you want to mess up your life.”
“You think I’m going to love someone unrequitedly? I doubt it.”

He ignored the warning of a former villainess! I was about to tell him you can’t just decide easily like that, but he folded his eyes and said “Why would I need to love someone unrequitedly when I already have a lover?”

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The Evil Cinderella Needs a Villain
사악한 신데렐라에겐 악당이 필요해
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kawaii12345 rated it
July 14, 2021
Status: c35
TLDR: Pretty good with some problems four stars.

First things first there's a scanlated manga if the Korean is not accessible to you. Just Google for it.

The story does a great job reinterpreting Cinderella. The punching bag is gone and we have a real protagonist. The plot is just so much more interesting, it's like night and day. They only thing it's missing is Cinderella/Lilith beating her stepmother. (Asian literature just some lines they don't cross)

It fails in handling the 2nd chance/ transmigrate into a novel timelines well. There actually... more>> seem to be 3-4 muddled timelines because of contradictory events. The othe big failure is it's all a little too breezy. Everything comes a little too easy. (Nowhere near as bad as the original Cinderella) <<less
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