Allen the Reincarnated Merchant: A Plan to Get Rich in Another World


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Allen is a reincarnator who has memories of living in modern Japan. Twenty years after being reborn into another world, he now lives as an ordinary citizen in a fantastical world. One day, he discovers that he possesses the ability to travel across various worlds, a power called “Otherworldly Travel.”

Allen then comes up with an idea.

“If I use this to bring things from Japan and sell them here, won’t I become incredibly rich?”

Allen decides to travel between worlds, collecting and selling goods to the entertainment-starved inhabitants of the other world and fellow transfer and reincarnation individuals, aiming to make a fortune.

…This is the story of such a man.

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Recommendation Lists
  1. Action - Adventure - Fantasy (JP On-Going)

Latest Release

Date Group Release
09/19/24 GalaxyTL v1c63
09/18/24 GalaxyTL v1c62
09/17/24 GalaxyTL v1c61
09/17/24 GalaxyTL v1c60
09/16/24 GalaxyTL v1c59
09/15/24 GalaxyTL v1c58
09/14/24 GalaxyTL v1c57
09/13/24 GalaxyTL v1c56
09/12/24 GalaxyTL v1c55
09/11/24 GalaxyTL v1c54
09/10/24 GalaxyTL v1c53
09/09/24 GalaxyTL v1c52
09/08/24 GalaxyTL v1c51
09/07/24 GalaxyTL v1c50
09/06/24 GalaxyTL v1c49
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