After The Possessor Left


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One day, in a continent ruled by the Black Dragon, ‘Possessors’ who disturbed the peace began to appear.

From those who tried to seduce the Crown Prince saying, “I’m your first love that you lost in childhood.”

To those traveling alone to the North to meet the Duke, “I know the future, so let’s have a contract marriage.”

Even appearing before the Black Dragon and declaring, “I will slay the evil dragon!”

Finally, the dragon, unable to tolerate it anymore, eliminated the possessors, and the continent seemed to gradually return to peace…

Then the 33rd possessor appeared in the small kingdom of Belfast.

Unlike the previous possessors, this one had no interest in the Crown Prince or the Northern Duke,

“When you reach Diamond tier, money just rolls in!” and instead was planning to pull off one big scam before escaping to the Imperial capital…


One day, like divine punishment, lightning struck the 33rd possessor.

In that moment, the real Anais, who had fallen asleep looking forward to her 19th birthday, returned.

“Anais was struck by lightning?”

And she pulled off a massive scam??

Me, the princess of Belfast?

“Anais is going to faint…”

However before Anais could faint, Elliot, the Captain of the Dragon Knights who eliminates possessors, burst in.

“Come with me quietly!”

No! It wasn’t me!

They’re gone! They left! I’m telling you they left!

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