After the CEO Lost His Memory, I Became His Wife


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After the CEO had a car accident and lost his memory, he mistook me for someone else: “Wife, I miss you so much!”

“Wife, today’s kiss and hug haven’t been checked off yet!”

“Wife, why are you ignoring me?”

I couldn’t bear it anymore and kicked the man sticking to me away.

“Mr. Lu, I’m a man!”

Mr. Lu, aggrieved, said, “A male wife is still a wife! How can you abandon your husband and child?”

Me: ?

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Fisukisuki rated it
May 27, 2024
Status: Completed
This is the Most Bizarre Amnesia novel for a short story type.

I agreed with MC's thought. I understand his confusion. With everyone look at them like it's normal. The nephew as their 'child'. Is he thrown into some parallel world? Lmao

Of course everything was explained. But MC's confusion was so valid even I had doubt. Lol

... more>> Anyway it ended great. In a way they do have a child without adopting anyone. And things are clear in the end.

It's not perfect, so the story at least 4/5. But I will give it 5/5 because I enjoyed it! <<less
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