After the Ascension


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In an expansive universe teeming with the forces of the Demon Realm, the Bloodline, the Angelic Race, and the Human Race, humanity suffered a crushing defeat after the first cataclysmic battle against the divine. With their heads bowed in shame, they affixed their signatures to the “Ancient Covenant”—a testament to their subjugation. The human race then adopted a policy of abject resilience, biding their time to heal and amass their forces in silence… After eons beyond counting, a once-unremarkable human warrior rose to the celestial realm. As he surveyed the bleak expanse of the ancient earth and the broken landscapes, he released a thunderous roar of defiance. It was in this cry of outrage that the colossal curtain of the second divine war began to rise. The stage was set for a conflict of unparalleled ferocity, with humanity’s victory seemingly predestined…

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strangebuger rated it
August 21, 2024
Status: c43
"After the Ascension" is a breathtaking dive into a world left to its own devices. The divine has ascended, and humanity is left to grapple with the void. I was utterly drawn into the richly painted characters, each as lost and searching as I felt turning the pages. The story is a rollercoaster of emotions, with moments of heart-stopping suspense and profound introspection. The writing is so immersive that I found myself questioning my own beliefs and the very essence of existence. A true gem for those who love a... more>> story that challenges and inspires. <<less
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