After Ten Years, the Hero Party’s Hypnosis Was Broken


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Finally, it’s broken, lol.

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10년 만에 용사파티의 최면이 풀렸다
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New SmilingGod rated it
November 23, 2024
Status: c29
I'll write my own description: Rex, having transmigrated into an erogame, hypnotized the hero team to join them and avoid this cannon fodders death.

Unfortunately, he did not know how to reverse the hypnosis...


... more>> Chapter 29 and until now, it's PURE PLOT. I was confused by the tags and description about what this novel is about, but I would encourage everyone to read it.

The story is fascinating and the character help build a world that you want to see more of.

The characters are rational, interesting and unique. Even as the story follow the MC and his pov, you can still see the great characterization of the people he meets.

The MC is intelligent and self serving, but he's not a bad person. He has goal he needs to achieve for himself, but he chooses the best ways to complete them that ends up helping others as well. He isn't over powered and he works hard to be where he's at.

Also he has zero le*d thoughts.

As for it being an erogame:

he hypnotizes to make it a mostly normal world, where things that arenormal in ero games wont happen. Its still too early to see if its completly gone lol <<less
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