After Ten Confessions


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Qi Yu got a new desk mate.

The boy looked very fierce.

He thought: So fierce, would he soften up when crying?

Would he cry for a long time after a punch?

Luo Shu fell in love at first sight with a certain boy.

He wanted to confess to him.

Just today.

The boy’s name is Qi Yu.

For Qi Yu – because of a mischievous desire to bully his problematic desk mate, making him cry pitifully, but he’s hesitating as he’s dead set on dating me…

For Luo Shu – brainstorming hard to confess to the academic achiever, have a sweet relationship, but he’s solely interested in bullying me to tears, leaving me frustrated…

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Hell rated it
July 8, 2021
Status: Completed
It's pretty good for a short story.

MC is sadistic (as in BD*M, not scum) and emotionally stunted, but he moves along nicely to be moved and good for ML.

ML is a sweety and very devoted, puppy type.

... more>> There are a few things I'd like to read more about, but considering this is a short story and the teasing was on point, I'll say it has enough fluff, drama and plot to be a good execution. I wouldn't be against a 50-chapter version of it, though 👀

The chapters are divided in instances/scenes, each switching from MC to ML's POV. It can be read in about 2-3 hours and both the MTL and translation are good, but I'd say wait for the translation listed here because it has cool notes and a much much better reading experience. <<less
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Xiexi bue
Xiexi bue rated it
April 25, 2024
Status: Completed
I love it so much. This is so sweet. I love both the uke n the seme especially the seme's mom. She is so cool for me🤭. I'm just a bit sad there is no more extra. Full of sweetness n fluff, truly recommended it for reading it, this is a chef kiss❤️
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Mazey rated it
November 26, 2023
Status: Completed
I really liked it! Definitely one of the better short stories I've read.

The shou is my favourite. He seems very fierce in appearance with his silver coloured hair and ear studs but in reality he's so precious and cute! He just wants to love and be loved.
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