After School, at a Family Restaurant at Night, With That Girl From My Class (LN)


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Time that feels somehow enjoyable—that’s the kind of comfort I’ve found.

The usual family restaurant—it’s my refuge, the place I escape to when being at home feels awkward due to my mom’s remarriage. A space that’s mine alone, where I don’t have to force myself to spend time with my new family.

At that very family restaurant, I always see a classmate, Kazemiya Kohaku. A beautiful, solitary girl who doesn’t seem to fit in with anyone. Apparently, she doesn’t have a place at home where she belongs, either.

Through an unexpected turn of events, we ended up sharing our secrets, and together, we formed the Family Restaurant Alliance—a pact to give each other alibis for staying out late.

From that day on, we became a pair who could be ourselves around one another. The dull hours spent at the family restaurant turned into an enjoyable time of trading complaints with Kohaku.

“—Let’s meet at the usual spot after school tomorrow.”

At the family restaurant after school, another day begins as the two of us search for reasons not to go home.

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