After Resignation, I Refuse the Obsession from the Male Leads


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After overcoming fierce competition, I proudly passed the exams to become a palace official. Having suffered through a tough life as an office worker in my past life, I hope this time I’ll be assigned to a good department!


“I’ve checked all the typos and the format too.”

“You’ve got no sense! Who would read this if it’s all written down like this?”

“Then would you prefer to look at the visual materials instead?”

Did I come across as too much of a rookie with experience?

“Miss Lowell, you’ll have to go to the BM-RP Department.”

Instead of the original female protagonist, I’m assigned to the worst department for work-life balance?!

“Lowell, you’re truly the best talent. You’re perfect in every way.”

“We had a deal to be together every day. So why are you saying you’re not around?”

“From now on, call me by name. In your mind and in front of others.”

As the male lead candidates become obsessed with me.

“You possess divine powers!”

And even the secret of my birth is revealed?


As expected, the answer is to quit!

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