After Rebirth, the Crown Prince Uncovered My Little Secret


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Everyone says that the current queen is a good queen. She is not only beautiful as a fairy, but also has a noble character.

Even the eldest son of the emperor who was born before he ascended the throne, the queen treated him as her own son, cared for him, and supported this eldest son of the emperor to surpass her own legitimate son to ascend to the position of the crown prince. She is really a mother of the world.

Whenever she heard these praises, Xue Rongrong always felt embarrassed. After all, this eldest son of the emperor was also born by her.

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1 Review

Aug 19, 2024
Status: c72
It's not my cup of tea. The MC is pretty weak as in, she's kinda ditzy, clumsy, and impulsive. It starts with MC, who is a maid, being heavily pregnant with the offspring of the crown prince, (ML). She thinks she's just a bed partner to the ML and that the ML doesn't have any feelings for her. So with the ML going to get married soon, she wants to figure out a way to escape after giving birth because she knows the crown princess won't be happy with... more>> her being the mother of the ML's first child. But before she can do anything, she's poisoned and dies. Then she awakes 4 years later in the body of another maid. This maid works in the residence of the Jingning Marquis Manor and serves Xie Yuanchu who is a close friend of the ML. She aims to work hard and redeem herself from her servant contract but she meets the ML again who now has a 4 year old son with him. ML becomes interested in MC and then start a series of cat and mouse chase.


There are other characters in here with their own backstories and then there are palace mysteries such as an assassin from 4 years ago, who the mother of ML's son is, etc. When MC first saw the son, he looked nothing like her but was similar to the ML. So she's thinking that the son isn't hers and the ML must have had another bed partner at the same time as being with her. Even though she knew that he was so busy at the time trying to consolidate his power that the only free time he had was at night, which was spent with her. Yet, she carries on this misunderstanding for several chapters. She even dislike the son at first because she was upset that ML was with someone else even though the son was attracted to her the first time he saw her. Later she realized she shouldn't treat him badly because it's not his fault who his mother so she starts treating him better but then when she realized he might actually be her real son maybe also reborn, then she's willing to do anything for him. Even though she didn't have any proof, suddenly she thought he might have been reborn like her and the more she thought so, the more she believed her thinking, which I felt, was a little weird. I get that the author tried to explain her conflicting emotions but it's still a little unsettling that the son liked her from the bottom of his heart when he first saw MC but the MC didn't when she thought he wasn't her son. He's just a 4 year old kid with no mother but she disliked him because she was jealous of his mother at first. I guess it's also human nature but I really can't like those kinds of people.


She's also pretty weak mentally, tears up randomly, and had several nose bleeds from bumping in her son and ML. She's attracted to ML but is determined not to enter the palace again so she tries not to get close. But when she is with him, then she either acts like she's being bullied or tries to act fierce with him which of course causes him to think she's cute. Honestly, she kinda feels like a white lotus character. The author wrote the ML to be super powerful and cold. He dislikes everyone except her but there's not a lot of communication so there's always little misunderstandings. Even the antagonists gets things done due to misunderstandings which is a bit annoying for my taste.

I skipped around a bit, just trying to see when she'll recognize her son and when the ML will find out it's her but there's nothing really exciting about the story so I'm just going to drop it. The writing is ok and the idea is fine but I just can't connect with the MC. <<less
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