After Raising Monsters, I Was Loved by Everyone in the Wasteland


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Wen Xin had an emotional disorder since childhood. On his doctor’s advice, he began keeping pets. One torrential rainy night, he picked up an injured little black furball and brought it home.

The black furball was extremely aloof—it refused to eat pet food, wouldn’t let him hold it, and its body would occasionally mutate, emitting low groans of pain.

But Wen Xin didn’t find anything amiss. He put effort into creating recipes for the furball and, when it was in pain, he would hold it in his arms, gently patting and soothing it.

Later, more and more furballs appeared in Wen Xin’s home, each with its own ferocity. Even the aloof black furball began to rebel, taking advantage of his inattention to violently beat up the other furballs.

Wen Xin was so tormented that he no longer had time to feel down.

After finally getting through the difficult adjustment period, before Wen Xin could enjoy a few days of cuddling with the furballs, the apocalypse broke out.

He and the furballs were accidentally separated. He joined a large group heading to a survival base, where he heard that top-level mutants were appearing all over the place.

They were powerful enough to dominate territories as kings, so ferocious they made people tremble—yet they were all frantically searching the world for one human.

That human was named Wen Xin.

Gold, silver, wealth, fame, power—anyone who could help them find “Wen Xin” would be treated as an honored guest by the mutants.

Struggling humanity seemed to see a ray of hope; all at once, the entire world set off a frenzy to search for “Wen Xin”!

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Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  1. BL I would like to read
  2. Apocalypse themed novel
  3. Bl modern
  4. Novels (BL)
  5. Apocalypse/Doomsday

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6 Reviews sorted by

New Fisukisuki rated it
February 11, 2025
Status: c60
It's much better than the summary could tell but also it's much more complex.

Our MC is not a Weak Damsel in Distress. He was physically weak, but he want to be strong to protect his beloved family so he keep exercise and more.

He already have a Caring Loving Personality, but his Characteristic also growth in a way he know to learn more how to even Politically protect his beloved family.

It's not just the Mutants who he tried to protect, but he also has this Emotionally complicated Brother he also want... more>> to protect. His brother existence made this story even more Complex and more Entertaining. And God I hope it won't lead to any future Tragedy!

Romance probably Slow as Turtle, but anyway focus and the Family Feels. And it's Goooood.

All in all I pray so hard the rest of the story would lead as to Satisfying Conclusion for their HAPPINESS in Apocalyptic world. 🙏 🙏 🙏 <<less
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Halmista rated it
November 4, 2024
Status: c58
I went in expecting some fluffy good time with Wen Xin and the kids but I didn't expect it to squeeze tears from my eyes and have philosophical thoughts as well.

I also expected the furballs to be exactly like that, round furry creatures but they're actually mutant animals.

There's a black cat, a green snake with dragonfly wings (that can shapeshift into a cat), a blue walrus (that also shapeshifted into a cat but loves to soak in a tub of water), a pink fox, a yellow canary (that also shapeshifted but not as a cat but a human boy), and a purple squirrel.


Each has their own personalities and traumas and just reading what they went through made me tear up. Also when they all eventually got separated.

I'm still not halfway through but I'm enjoying the unexpected depth of this novel every now and then. Also the romance between the MC and the ML still haven't progressed by chapter 58 because the author likes to flesh out each of the furballs. A bit worrying because Im looking at the remaining chapters and he has only reunited with furball #1 and trying to untangle the problem he caused.

I'll edit this review once I get to the end if I'm not satisfied with the conclusion but so far it's a solid read.
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CayDraconis rated it
November 10, 2024
Status: Completed
I was loving this translation so much, I decided to MTL. If you have patience, wait for the translation as they are doing a bang up job. If you have little patience (like me), the MTL is readable with the usual name and gender changes lol.

Ok, on to my review. The author did a great job fleshing out the characters. The MC is lovable, and I adore how he just plays along with his little family... and his family that just keeps thinking they've pulled the wool over his eyes... more>> (including his biological brother). They are all too cute. The villain... oh what a villain. Seriously, imagine the smiling grandpa that created Jurassic Park and then you find out he wasn't someone that had good intentions where everything went wrong... no, he manipulated the doctor that created the dinos with the frog DNA and Nedry behind the scenes, then invited everyone to the Park all as part of his mad experiment. But even after finding out, he still looked at you with that smiling, harmless face... scary.

You'll understand what I mean when you get to the scene with number Two


The plot was engaging, with a few nice twists. And I personally didn't notice any loose threads at the end (something that often drives me crazy... why introduce something and then just leave it hanging?). I am not ashamed to admit the onion ninjas came by for a visit a few times while reading. As for the romance... well... Basically, if you are reading this for the romance, just turn away now. If you are reading it for cub raising or zombie apocalypse, come right on in and sit a spell. I don't think you'll be disappointed. <<less
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YozoraHaru rated it
December 20, 2024
Status: c143
Wow, what a journey!

Ngl this story gave me a pleasant surprise as I though its going to be no different than the typical plot where a shou has multiple capable ML's protecting and supporting him after unknowingly taking in seemingly harmless little furballs but it is wayyyy off!

If you're a fan of stories about raising furballs and healing interspersed with violence (its an apocalypse setting ofc there's violence) along with a huge conspiracy, this story is definitely for you^^

But I personally think one of the biggest plus point in this... more>> story is the legitimately powered-up MC who didn't just get a miraculously strong superpower but instead slowly build up his strength using plain old effort, with a little boost from a mutant blessing along the way (and he wouldn't have gotten this boost if he hadn't lent his help so its completely justifiable okay!).

And this is a HUGE plus point coz the MC could have chosen to stay a lovely dodder flower (with OP mutants wrapped around his little fingers and a protectively OP but tsundere brother) but instead he chose to become a resilient rose to protect what is precious to him (the furballs, his brother and his ppl) including his ideals (to protect the innocents and seek justice).

And the MC's growth in character is also smooth and reasonable (tho I supposed his brother would probably have been happier if Wen Xi hadn't used his newfound cunning wiles against him XD) albeit a little distressing when I think about how much he's grown from the beginning;-;

The MC's older brother is also quite endearing with how much he actually cares about MC but I think he had too little screen time, wish we could have gotten some more interactions between him and MC.

In fact, most of the extras had too little screen time and character building as most of the story centered around MC and his furballs along with the conspiracy behind everything which made the extras feel a little 2D but I guess the author got carried away by building up the setting behind the conspiracy that these extras fell a little on the wayside.

And even among the furballs there is not much chance to glimpse at all of their stories. I don't know if the author may have included some of the extras and the furballs character building in the extras but I guess I'll just to wait.

As for the romance... hmm, it doesn't really appear until near the end of the main story so I guess the author might have tied this loose end in the extra chapters, again, we'll see.

But overall, this is a very good story on raising cubs and weak to strong MC growth with a mad scientist as the mastermind of the conspiracy. <<less
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erialolita rated it
January 15, 2025
Status: Completed
2.8 stars: I really wanted to like this novel, but I just can't with it. The lack of communication and no attachment to any character made this a chore for me to get through.

My biggest issue is probably the lack of communication.

I get why the monsters kept hush hush about their origins, they were scared they were going to loose their only light on their life's, but tell me why the MC didn't every say anything. So much frustration and s*upid issues could have been solved if MC had something like I know you all aren't normal animals, but I love you all the same. Then their origins and what they went through could have been a mystery, but he should have at least given them that much security!


The next problem I had was that I didn't love any of the characters. Some of the monsters were fun, but most are more or less background characters. The MC, ML and the MC brother were bland. The MC and brother, while their relationship maybe realistic, was tiring and I was really not fond of the brother. The ML is barely in the story, so do not read this for any type of romance.

Lastly, I think this book was trying to be too much. I loved the beginning where it was more of a mutual healing situation, but then bam it's the apocalypse and then it's a MC growing strong story, then bam again and it's a different story (can't say with our spoilers), then lastly, oh look their is romance. The flow and details of events are just off.

The idea behind this story and the apocalypse set up was interesting and I just wanted so much more out of it. I know I maybe being a little more harsh than usual, but I was so excited for an apocalypse book with animal raising.

I do see how others may love this, but it is just too aggravating for me. MTL was easy for the most part.
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Losifina rated it
December 2, 2024
Status: c33
I love the story so far, MC is not weak,

I think the ML is the black cat, and he will turn human.


I thought it would just be a cute little animal raising story, but

when the animals left cuz they didn't want to harm MC made me cry so hard...



the humans at the lab really made me feel very disgusted, especially when they said they wanted to try cause the sheep had a similar anatomy with females. I almost threw up


Overall waiting for more chapters~!
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