After Picking up a Runaway Girl From the Same University on My Way Home From Work, We Started Living Together in Secret


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On his way home from work, Yukimura Minato, helped his university classmate named Kototori Risa; she seemed to be getting harassed by a man in an alley behind a busy area. But the truth was that Risa had run away from home, and she was just looking for a place to stay. Being a kind-hearted person, Minato couldn’t refuse Risa’s request when she had no other options, so he let her stay the night.

At that time, he thought that would be the end of their connection. However…

“I’ll give you ten thousand yen per day. Please let me stay.”

Risa asked him if she could just stay in his house. Minato was unable to refuse, so they started living together in secret.

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