After Mistakenly Marking My Ex’s Big Sister


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Ye Zhiqing is a traditional alpha who, after three years with Yu Xi, only held hands. When she proposed, Yu Xi broke up with her, finding Ye Zhiqing too old-fashioned and her pheromones too weak to satisfy her. Determined to win Yu Xi back, Ye Zhiqing took a powerful supplement that overloaded her pheromones. On the way to Yu Xi, she accidentally spends the night with an omega in heat—Yu Li, Yu Xi’s formidable elder sister.

Yu Li, who suffers from pheromone disorder, finds Ye Zhiqing’s pheromones could soothe her, easing her headaches and insomnia. After realizing this, she decides to forcefully marry Ye Zhiqing.

Meanwhile, Yu Xi regrets the breakup and tries to reconcile with Ye Zhiqing, only to find her in a loving relationship with Yu Li.

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Latest Release

Date Group Release
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Shuryo_CN rated it
August 5, 2024
Status: --
It's actually pretty good. This is coming from an MTL reader

The MC is kind and caring person who is essentially like a child, but she has guts and a bit of knowledge on how to handle certain things. MC and FL also know how to communicate in this book, so any arguments and misunderstandings they have get solved within a matter of a few chapters. The "villains" in this is also treated like a person, they aren't killed off like some other ABO stories and everyone have more or less... more>> a good ending.

The only thing Im kinda bitter about is during the ending where we only get a glimpse of their child. It's mostly a mention and a few interactions overall, I really wanted more screen time.

In conclusion, its written well but this plot has been done before. I recommend this to the casual readers who want a bit more spice (drama) in their wholesome reading. <<less
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