After Marrying the School Grass


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During the freshman summer vacation, Jian Ran and his marriage partner got a certificate.

After getting the red book, he patted his “husband” on the shoulder: By the way, buddy, what’s your name?

“Husband” raised his eyelids slightly: See it for yourself.

In the first year of college, the roommate told Jian Ran that the position of his school grass(1) was robbed by a junior.

Jian Ran doubted: Impossible!

How can someone be more handsome than your father Jian?

The roommate dragged Jian Ran to the sports field and pointed to the most handsome boy in the field: That’s him!

Jian Ran looked away, then back at him, it’s feels like something is wrong


Isn’t that his husband who only met him once?!

Jian Ran: Call me senior.

Ren Qinglin: Call me laogong(2)

1 : most handsome man
2 : Husband

Associated Names
One entry per line
After My Marriage With The School Grass
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5 Reviews sorted by

periperi rated it
June 26, 2022
Status: Completed
5 stars!

I have to admit this had a rather mundane sounding plot but somehow, it was one of the most enjoyable sweet plot I've read so far. The pacing was good, I love all the characters and it was funny.

There's not mind blowing plot but the relationship progression was so sweet and gradual that I just couldn't stop reading. Also, it's not a long (like those over 100 chap) read so it's a just nice read. I also love the well fleshed out side characters who added a lot to... more>> the story.


I love the gradual progression of ML wooing MC and how MC came to realise his feelings. Their chemistry was good as well. There's minor conflicts with one or two bad classmates and the usual family acceptance but nothing too bad.


My only minor gripe:

author gave crumbles about the side CP but never gave a proper fanwai about them, sigh. MC's good friend was hilarious in the story, I wanted to read a slightly more fleshed out side story about his relationship but alas none was given.


Overall, this is the perfect light read with lovable characters and no angst. <<less
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auroraRMC rated it
July 19, 2024
Status: Completed
A refreshing and drama free love story, a welcome cleanser after some interesting BL.

Don't come here looking for some intricate plot or exciting action. This is purely about a ML who fell in love with his nominal fiancé at first sight and obsessively trains so that he can pursue him. Our MC is a straight as steel man who does not express that in any form—no reference to any interest in girls and no romantic history. Despite feeling rejection towards the arranged marriage, our MC still has a pretty good... more>> attitude towards the ML most of the time and willingly spends time with him. Fortunately for us and the ML, our MC is able to realize his feelings pretty quickly and doesn't go into much denial actually. He's also quite proactive in acting upon his desires and after some reflection realizes that the ML loves him too. Cue dog food galore. Our ML is truly a top tier boyfriend/husband and spares no effort to make the MC happy.

The opposition from the family is really the only annoying thing after their relationship improves. Otherwise, our MC and ML are literally glued at the hip. No hesitation about physical intimacy either, they love each other and the MC isn't shy at all. Love to see it. <<less
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ntww12 rated it
October 14, 2023
Status: Completed
It’s a fairly straightforward romance story between two men who have an arranged marriage. They got married for the sake of a business arrangement between their family members and planned to divorce after the arrangement was over. This matter was known to both parents as well.

However, they then fell in love while studying in the same uni together.

Nothing much really happens and it focuses on the relationship between the two leads.

... more>> I found it a tad bit boring but it is a sweet romance for a casual read.

One aspect that the author liked to put in her novels is the gradual realization of the MC that he is in fact not straight. It can be funny but this MC very quickly gets over the fact that he isn’t straight and then whole heartedly pursues the ML.

One of the things I didn’t really understand:


Later on we find out that ML met MC before they had to go to the Civil Office Bureau to get married. And he had fallen for MC at first sight. So why did he lie to MC that he broke his leg when MC first asked him to go register the marriage together?

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NovelenthusiastIDK rated it
August 11, 2024
Status: --
Sometimes when ML pursued MC, the Chinese just turned 18 girl came to mind. I wish he acted more true to himself since the beginning, I didn't like the fake act he had earlier. I only really started liking the story once they got together. I still wish the characters got more development or had more depth.
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January 4, 2023
Status: Completed
The story was the one I was looking for in arranged marriage.

... more>>

So Seme was Love in first sight and then uke slowly slowly started liking him.


No much drama or major confusion, both Characters are like Very handsome belong to rich party, Seme likes to finance Uke basically like spoil him with love money. I loved the pace it was not too slow there were 99 chapters so I read translated ones then went To Mtl plot is very sweet and not much character development

beside uke when he accepts seme and Their family reaction is given not much scope of plotline to develop as there's no scope

. Can be read if you are fan of arranged marriage tag <<less
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