After I Retired, My Former Disciples Become Obsessed With Me


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This is a story about the top academy in South Korea, having produced 5 S-rank and 52 A-rank students. The greedy headmaster kicked him out.


Who do you think raised these kids?

The students, stripped of their experience overnight, came looking for me, crying.

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New Soobie rated it
September 20, 2024
Status: c9
If the genre included comedy and it was intended as a dark, sarcastic comedy as well as a play on how dumb some tropes can be it'd be worth a 3. But it's not any of that.

Even worse the characters so far are shockingly dumb, except possibly the FL... unfortunately the way she is locked in to the MC's orbit is hopelessly forced.

It's only saving grace is how snarky and petty the MC is. He has the potential to turn into a quite hilarious OP antihero. But I'm simply unwilling... more>> to read further to see how it develops. <<less
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New Drake888 rated it
September 18, 2024
Status: c7
It is too early to review this but I see somebody already gave it a 2 so I will explain why I am giving it a 3.

The overall quality is mediocre so far but sometimes that will improve after the author hits their stride.

The problem is that the concept is not fresh and the author isn't winning me over with the MC. This is a revenge story where MC was unjustly fired and also one of those EXP lending MCs. So we are already treading familiar ground. Being an instructor... more>> for hunters in one of those worlds where dungeons suddenly appeared is less common but the MC won't be walking that path and will instead have all the jobs as a hunter himself. There are already tons of stories where the MC gets impossible plot boosts to be the very best, like no one ever was. Still, we haven't seen the monsters or magic yet, so there is hope for improvement. But the MC's interactions with the female lead make him unlikeable and petty.

Basically, this is mediocre so far but the sentence structure and grammar are fine, so I would give this a low 3 and I feel like a 2 is unfair.

Edit after ch. 20:

So the plot stuff takes shape pretty quickly. The MC mu*ders people he has a grudge against and it looks like the bad guys are going to be greedy corporations. I can support both those things. I'm still torn between a 2 and a 3 but I will leave it as a 3 to balance out the guy who gave it a 2 after only 9 chapters. <<less
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