After I Declared Divorce, He Became Obsessed


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1 Review

New Yuukinoa
Feb 11, 2025
Status: c2
It's not fair to rate this in my opinion since I didn't read past ch. 2

I dropped it immediately because in the second chapter

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After Ch. 1 where MC finds his dying ex wife in a war zone? The beginning is super unclear, but at any rate in chapter 2, he goes back in time to when they were still married and slaps his wife unprompted before asking for a divorce.

There's not enough background given to say that his reaction is completely unreasonable, but it sounds like she never physically ab*sed him, just was cold and distant (which sounds like it may have actually been for his protection given that her family apparently treated him like garbage, but then he complains about her leaving him out of family events?)

The totally arbitrary physical ab*se by MC to the love interest just felt really really unacceptable and gross to me. I dropped this immediately instead of reading on to find out if he was supposedly justified.

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