After I Comforted My Younger Stepsister Who Had Her Boyfriend Taken From Her, She Started Becoming Obsessively Sweet


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Ordinary high school sophomore, Mamori Unami, had a younger stepsister from his parent’s remarriage, Shikino Unami. Although their sibling relationship started when Mamori was in his fourth year of grade schooler and Shikino was in her third, they weren’t exactly on good terms. In fact, they were on bad terms with each other.

Whenever Mamori tried to close the distance between them by inviting her out or suggesting they do something together, Shikino would always pull away from him. She didn’t say anything in return, completely ignoring him. Whenever Mamori tried to start a conversation with her, she would reply curtly, leading Mamori to eventually give up on the idea of improving their relationship.

However, one day, something happened. Shikino, who had just entered high school and had gotten her first boyfriend, somehow got NTR-ed. Yes. Her boyfriend was stolen by another girl. Heartbroken, Shikino shut herself away in her room. Seeing his stepsister in such despair, Mamori couldn’t just stand by. He began comforting her.

“Huh…? Shi-Shikino…?”

“Love… I’ve loved you… Since we were little…”


Thus began a sweet yet spicy comeuppance love comedy featuring an unassuming but dependable protagonist and his younger stepsister, who was a bit embarrassed to reveal her true feelings!

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New plasmasparrow rated it
November 13, 2024
Status: c4
Zetro has a bad habit of picking up tr*shy yandere webnovels, and this is no exception. I honestly don't have any expectation for this, but it's still early on. However, with how things are going, this will likely be your bog-standard tr*sh food yandere webnovel with shallow characters and generic interactions, whose only purpose is to waste time. Something to turn you're brain off and read.
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