After Being Cheated on by My Girlfriend, Betrayed by My Best Friend, and Abandoned by My Parents, I Was Saved by the School’s Madonna


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Yanagi Sora, an ordinary high school sophomore, has a girlfriend.

Not just any girlfriend, but a childhood friend who has been with him since birth, Horie Runa.

He confessed his feelings for her right after entering high school and they decided to get together.

Sora thought they would stay together forever, go to college together, get a job, and get married when his incomes were stable.

Sora believed without a doubt that such a dreamy future would come true.

Until the day he saw his best friend Fujita Satoru and his girlfriend walking arm in arm on Christmas Day.

Sora spent his days in the depths of disappointment, and on the day of the opening ceremony, rumors spread at school that Sora had forced himself on Runa.

When he returns home, he finds that the rumor has spread to his mother as well, and he is kicked out of the house.

When he was sitting on a park bench with nowhere else to go, a girl called out to him.

This is when the boy who lost everything begins to turn his life around!

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Merged Amigo
New Merged Amigo rated it
February 2, 2025
Status: c32
As of chapter 27, revenge on the 2 cheaters has been had. For some unfathomable reason, the author decided to go off on some tangent with a previously introduced character who wasn't at all shaping up to be important to the revenge plot, and was only there to show MC that not everyone who isn't the FML is against him.

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Now she's back and because she's both a (nother) rich girl with enemies and forced MC to go on a date with her, drama in two directions, neither of which is related to the initial plot has been started. The insecure FML now thinks MC might leave her for this other ojou-sama, and MC is gonna be forced to fight the enemies. This novel is shaping up to be like 'Reversal of Life' where the author had a decent revenge plot going then dragged it out for 300 chapters when he could have and should have had it done in 50. This novel could have ended by chapter 40, with chapters 31-36 being dedicated to the revenge on the shitty parents, and then 37-40 is the epilogue. That isn't possible now with the 2 current arcs occurring simultaneously, neither of which seems to care about revenge.


If you're here for what's in the title, just read until chapter 28, then drop it. <<less
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