After Becoming a Counselor for Girls, I Ended Up Producing a Lot of Potential Girlfriends Who Became Mentally Ill


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I’m a Counselor, a Yandere-Maker

Yasuda is a “counselor” who supports girls in their love lives. He spent his days simply listening to their problems. However, on Christmas Eve, the class representative, Kujo, who was heartbroken, called him over and confessed her feelings to him. This was just the beginning. One after another, former clients began to approach Yasuda. As the people around him became increasingly yandere, Yasuda struggled to cope. As he continued to interact with each of them, Yasuda searched for a way where everyone could be happy…

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    1 Review

    Dec 17, 2024
    Status: Completed
    I read ahead, and all I can say is that this is shallow. Mentally ill? Nope, none of them are. The closest one being ill is the first girl, but it's more like a heartbreak. Even then, she recovers pretty quickly. The others (just two more), relatively normal. Like, I expected yandere shenanigans. I can't even consider them yanderes. They're just possessive and competitive. That's it.

    Anyways, pretty pretty shallow. Struggles to cope? He doesn't do anything, just lets them be. Searches for a way for everyone to be happy? No,... more>> not really. He does suggest something that we want to see in a harem, but the girls are too possessive for that. Story ends short for a proper conclusion.

    All in all, pretty disappointing. It could've had so much more. <<less
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