Adventurers Who Don’t Believe in Humanity Will Save The World


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The story of four adventurers, all whom have experienced betrayal and hardship, banding together to give the middle finger to society.

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Apparently, Disillusioned Adventurers Will Save the World
Ningen Fushin no Boukensha-tachi ga Sekai wo Sukuu you desu
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7 Reviews sorted by

Xinneth rated it
June 14, 2020
Status: c1
So far I am loving it. The concept of them not believing in humans and in each other and trying to work towards fixing their scars is great!! I will update this after the translator updates more chapters.
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Well this is the first time I've ever commented so I'll keep it briefly.

1) the characters : I find them all likeable, each with his own motives, everyone is unique, their interactions are really good and natural.

2) The story : it's simple but engaging, each arc is different in a way that doesn't bore you but let's you be absorbed in it, the pace is good, and the endings are satisfying because even when we see the end the consequences are still lingering and have effects on the rest of... more>> the story.

3) the world building : I would say that this is the weakest element, it's not bad but it's not good either, but let's not loose hope as their's more of the story to come, so maybe it will get better. <<less
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kawaii12345 rated it
February 13, 2021
Status: c120
1 star the writing is just not readable.

The plot doesn't go anywhere.

The characters are uninteresting an unmotivated.

The MC has the most fleshed out backstory but it's of zero interest (He got played by a girl, who hasn't been there done that). The other party members with truly horrific backstories get bupkiss.

TLDR: Just not worth the effort
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Pranefuji rated it
June 4, 2021
Status: c105
I love how much effort is made by the author to have perspectives that humanize all the different people and their ways of living in the world. It's been a fun read so far. I dove in and read through 50 chapter chunks pretty easily. Nice to see protagonists who aren't eerily snow white while also avoiding being complete dirtbags abusing their power (unlike so many dark hero stories). The different interests of the characters and their acceptance of each other is kinda sweet to read. It's been an uncomplicated... more>> good time. Hope it inspires some readers to be kinder to those they don't initally understand <<less
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May 13, 2021
Status: c84
It's not that bad but not that good either. It's pretty fluffy considering the premise, the characters are pretty shallow, and so far the world seems pretty small.

I can see why it hasn't gotten to many low ratings, and it's because it doesn't do anything that would alienate the reader, as all the characters are pretty likeable, the decisions they make are generally reasonable, but at the same time... not much really happens, and things happen to them more than they go out and create change.

Sem is decently fleshed out,... more>> but none of the others are. Sure they've also been traumatised, but none of them react in a way makes sense, they are basically normal with a funny quirk.

Anyway, this is pretty common with many Japanese novels, but it's hard to empathise with any of the characters and that's this novels biggest weakness imho. <<less
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Acedia the Skelektronik
Acedia the Skelektronik rated it
February 7, 2021
Status: c27 part4
While the fundamental idea is quite good, the execution is mediocre at best.

As one could guess from the title it is about some adventures, who see themselfs as outcast, because of what had been unjustly done to them. We learn through their stories what had happened and are even able to backtrack, why certain events lead to their downfall.


    • All 4 MC have their own past which are (fortunately/unfotunately) not connected to each other.
    • They don't dwell to much in their own past but try to move on, thus forming their party, it's something positive but very unrealistic.
    • The MC's are very bland. They are good hearted, encourage/comfort each other and always listen to each other problems and try not to pry in other peoples personal lifes. (This again is something positive, but even more unrealistic, considering that they are portayed as scarred for their life and scared that they might be betrayed again.

    • Those characteristics named above match all 4 MC's, they are basically one person.
    • They are so similar most of the time you don't know who said what.
      "That's the raw reality

      I'm scared because it's very easy for me to get invested in my hobbies and lose track of how much I'm spending." WHO SAID THAT? I don't know, it could have been any of those 4.

    • The story is quite predictable: e.g. They search for a legendary sword of friendship, and find it with little effort, but plottwist they don't keep it but sell it lol. Not like it was mentioned, that they could do it.
    • All sidecharakters are one dimensional and only serve to portray how badass, kindhearted and scarred our MC's are.
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September 3, 2020
Status: c27 part4
Great read so far. The author gives a good POV from all main characters perspective. We are able to see into the lives of each character along with their backstory and current lifestyles. I think the balance between the main characters is great and the pacing seems fine as well. I’m excited to read more when the time comes.
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