Acting for the Villains’ Regret


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The butler, Raymond, who used the witch for his family.

The friend, Pel, who betrayed the witch for freedom.

The fiancé, Glenn, who deceived the witch for his lover.

None of them regretted it.

Thus, the witch, Leticia…

“Regression, you say. And at such a time.”

When she returned to a time where she could not avoid death and faced her enemies, she made a firm decision.

If Leticia had to die anyway, she would make them regret killing her.

Even if she had to act to do so.

“Then you must live, Master. Live, split my heart in your hand, and laugh at me.”

But why?

“It seems you still don’t know, Leti. Without you, there is no me.”

Why do you look at me like that?

“Do as you wish, young lady. Be it life or death. I will follow.”

Leticia looked at those who would give everything to save just her.

Those who crumbled at her feet, regretting, even though she hadn’t died yet.

There was affection there that no one had ever given her.

Of all places, there.

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