Accumulate Experience by Reading Books


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Protagonist Lee Jong-suk is a book lover. One day he visits the usual second hand bookstore, and purchases a hardcover book. He later on discovers that the book lets him write his own experiences and exchange it for something he needs!

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I Stack Experience Through Reading Books
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  1. (ALL) Musician, actor, business, lawyer, writer,.....
  2. Interesting looking
  3. Actor/ idol/ art/ manager/ writer/ reader/ singer
  4. Showbiz
  5. Korean novel (male protagonists)

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7 Reviews sorted by

playa3 rated it
January 3, 2021
Status: c1
It was pretty good until it turned into a traditional medicine worship novel. The MC was at least likeable in the begining. But once he started curing brain cancer with needles... I don't know why, but it made me so angry that they were acting like it was okay. TCM is dangerous, and often does more harm than good.

The main character become completely unlikeable. It's like he turned into a young master transported right out of a Chinese novel.
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byunisperv rated it
April 27, 2021
Status: c219
After reading halfway through the novel, I decided to drop it. Why? Because its boring. It is not really much of an adventure story but more to a slice of life kinda story.

The story is kinda exciting early on the chapters but as it reach halfway point it turns bland. The settings of making MC an oriental doctor didn't really bother me much despite MC could cure cancer and treat every single health problem with your good ol' acupuncture, but what sets me off is MC's Mary Sue behavior. MC... more>> tends to get involve in every situation/conflict that happen around him although it is non of his business. I get it that it is for getting the experience but the build up leading to the situation/conflict is disappointing.

Halfway through the novel, we only have little clues about the origin of the book, and looking from the pacing and style of author's writing, I assure you that we will only know a little bit more about it when the chapters hit the 400's.

Up to chapter 219, the majority of the content is 70%, MC getting and practicing as an oriental doctor, 20%, MC relationship with other characters and another 10% of MC being a martial artist.

If you are reading this for a fullblown wish-fulfilment novel, better stop it as MC will probably be a small time oriental doctor with some recognition.


ps. Read the manhwa, its many time better <<less
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NewbornWarrior7 rated it
June 20, 2018
Status: c9
This is a pretty good novel about a guy who writes his life experiences in a magic journal for points to buy experience for skills. It's an interesting enough concept that's basically all-for-one book edition where he can only buy experience that previous writers put into the book. The story doesn't progress particularly fast but it's also not slow. The only real problem I'd have is with the translations which would definitely benefit from some editing because the flow of the story gets a bit wonky at times since the... more>> syntax is probably going to be a bit awkward for people who are comfortable with English and the diction is also a bit questionable. Other than needing to get used to the translations, the novel has a pretty good start. <<less
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BoledPaksi rated it
September 10, 2020
Status: c11
It's pretty much typical MC with cheat system abilities, bookworm found magic book, and everytime he upgrade his skill field (cook, study, sports) he'll became godly on that field, nothing significant this far, good slice of life story
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Dearest_Reader rated it
November 22, 2020
Status: --
I find this interesting for a short while until I realized that this is pretty much a modern-day novel of a slice of life where the MC can change his life by using cheats, and it's a problem for me.

I personally don't like the MC is the only one who is powerful just because he got a cheat, he should have some drawbacks/limit of his power. There should be at least several people out there who could be like him too with different abilities.

(And Maybe it's because I've read... more>> many exciting books before this one that this novel has become bland for me.)

That's why it isn't great for me. I can recommend this if you want to calm your taste of the genre and for people who are a beginners of reading a fantasy novels. <<less
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8Psycho rated it
June 24, 2018
Status: c11
Learning stuff from magic book is not a fresh idea, but can certainly be quite entertaining. But not in case of this novel, it is fairly average, slice-of-life-ish one.

Main problem so far is ludicrously low difficulty level. MC wrote couple of days of his day-to-day experience into book in exchange on some points. On half of points he already got: Cook's Talent, Taste buds and kitchen skills and knowledge; Great flexible muscles and coordination; eidetic memory. Not bad at all, huh.
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September 11, 2020
Status: c11
So here we are again, another wish fulfillment novel. I want more, watched.
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