Accidentally Marked The Archenemy


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One-sentence summary: So you are not planning to take responsibility?

Fu Xinghe feels that Shen Ye must certainly dislike him very much.

Otherwise, this famous and extraordinary person in the entire school would not have always had conflicts with him back in middle school.

Even if he spoke a few more words with others, he would get angry.

However, Fu Xinghe did not expect that, years later, he would just happen to encounter Shen Ye unexpectedly having a fever.

At this time, Shen Ye was already the youngest general in the empire, hailed as a rare battle genius seen only once in a thousand years, and had just returned from a victorious battle.

However, Fu Xinghe, through a moment of carelessness, ended up marking the other party.

After regaining a bit of consciousness, Fu Xinghe saw Shen Ye’s face and instinctively felt afraid.

“Sorry, um, I understand. Just consider that nothing ever happened…”

Shen Ye was momentarily stunned, and his previously flushed face immediately turned dark.

“Who said that? Come back here.”

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3 Reviews sorted by

CrystalButterfly348 rated it
August 17, 2024
Status: Completed
I would rate around 3.5, between 3 to 4 stars. It was a decent read, considering how short the novel was. I binged this novel through mtl. It was fine, although I was a little frustrated with the misunderstanding between the main couple. But due to the novel being quite short, I would say the pacing was alright I guess? I had read the author's other work, but didn't finish it as I was getting annoyed with how weak and pathetic the MC seemed in that novel. So I was... more>> worried when getting into this one. But due to it being only 21 chapters for the main story, I was like finishing it won't kill me or anything, right?

I will say that I have slightly been noticing a trend where the seme MC, has a very huge misbalance in terms of status compared to the shou ml. Like, it's a troupe that has always existed, just that they changed the MC into a seme instead. But lately there's suddenly more novels of seme MC just being so powerless and pathetic that I have been reading currently. Personally, I don't like either side of the main couple to be so weak and powerless to where one side can completely overwhelm the other. This novel was slightly better as our MC does eventually towards the end manage to pick himself up and make a promising career. Regardless though, I am just not a fan of this type of troupe in general. I really do prefer both of the couple to stand on equal grounds as they seem more realistic to respect and love each other more (plus tends to be more healthy and stable).

This novel was quite funny in some parts, cute in others, while also having some frustrating bits due to the misunderstanding. The MC is quite slow with his feelings and emotions, being your typical high IQ but low EQ type of genius. But getting to the end was quite satisfying. <<less
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Hell rated it
October 9, 2024
Status: Completed
A strong premise, and good execution overall for the shortness of the story, but the main source of conflict between the MC and ML was never discussed, so it feels like there's just a big sword hanging up their heads waiting to fall. MC just glosses over ML's previous abysmal treatment of him (which actually qualifies as bullying and harassment, including s*xual harassment, even when they were still school classmates) and is won over by "cuteness", which would work perfectly for a lot of novels, but the lack of talking... more>> and discussing boundaries and ML's school days harassment feels like the other shoe waiting to drop, and makes me take a star off the final rating. <<less
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Shadow236 rated it
October 1, 2024
Status: Completed
Rating: 4/5

For a short novel, this was very wholesome. It made my heart race in certain bits but also logic and perception needs abit of work for both MC and ML 😅

All in all, the ending was what's to be expected from such a short story, although I wished the side characters got their happy ending too.
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