Accidentally Attacked a Great Demon King


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Han Zhiyuan never expected that a trip to mountain to watch sunrise would make him bring back a demon king home. His first reaction when he heard a voice in his head was:

“Its over, I’ve been possessed”.

Demon King: Ant, if you don’t retrieve the remnants of this king’s scattered souls from different worlds, this king will kill you! Make your soul scatter!

In short, the demon king can kill him just by blowing his breath.

So Han Zhiyuan was forced to embark on a journey to awaken the remnant souls of the demon king. But how to awaken the remnant souls of the demon king?

The demon king is cruel and ruthless by nature. The only way to awaken the soul is by making them feel true emotion.

So the only way is, “Let the remnant souls fall in love with me”?

Han Zhiyuan: Can this get anymore bloody?

The demon king raised his eyebrows: Huh?

Han Zhiyuan: I will do my best.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Accidentally Attacked a Big Devil
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Latest Release

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5 Reviews sorted by

GoldenLeaf rated it
May 8, 2022
Status: Completed
I was hesitant to read at first because world hopping isn't my usual pick but this was amazing. 10/10 recommend to anyone looking for a mid length romance/action novel.

... more>>

Relationship between the MC and ML isn't rushed and happens gradually as the story progresses. I think it takes 2 worlds~ for the MC to realize his feelings for ML (Demon King) but since MC is world hopping he doesn't have a lot of one on one time with ML which only really occurs between hops. But technically all the individual world ML's are remnants of the demon king (his soul was split into 6 parts) so they all have a collective memory of time with MC when they return to ML.


The first few arcs are shorter than the others but it gets things moving along nicely and keeps interest high. I love that the author doesn't skimp on the world details between arcs as well. Each world and the supporting characters are pretty well fleshed out considering the arc lengths.

This has a lot of action and while there are some cute moments there is also some angst

mainly the MC sacrificing himself for the ML in like every damn world but hey, it is what it is.

Okay so thinking back there is actually quite a lot of angst but I read this in a day so I never put the book down to cry or anything (also don't let angst discourage you, it's done tastefully and we ultimately have a HE!!!)

12 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
April 20, 2022
Status: c1
I simply just love it. Its very cute. I just wish there were more extras cause the last chapter was simply not enough. Mtl is that bad but can be very tiring when its the cultivation or historical arc
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uwu_Nabong rated it
July 8, 2022
Status: c1
It was a nice read. It felt a little short compared to other QTs, however every arc was exciting and fulfilling I found myself not wanting ... more>>

the souls to just become a part of the Demon King T^T, I grew attached to them since they were quite unique and endearing.


It had a perfect balance of angst and fluff in each arc~. The MC was quite witty too, I liked the fact he really fell in love with ML each time (so it was not just ML falling in love) and was fast to analize and accept his own feelings, he had to put a lot of effort every time he transmigrated and the different approached he took with every remnant soul were one of the most fun parts to read.

The novel was quite engaging, the ending was quite fulfilling imo, sweet and warm.

I read this novel because of the other author's work "Mary Sue Reversal System" which I liked a lot and I have to say, it didn't disappoint.

If you want a quick, light (with some angst and a lot of sweetness) read. This work is for you, it doesn't have an overly complicated plot, with conspiracies and the like. But the MC had a lot of wit and he and ML do face a lot of problems each arc, in which MC had to come up with ingenious solutions to: 1.- Make ML fall in love and 2.- Solve the plot problems in front of him.

So yep, it was an enjoyable read. (*Whispers* and MTL is quite easy to understand~) <<less
2 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
June 5, 2022
Status: Completed
Very interesting story. I'm very satisfied ❤️ ... more>>

I like how Feng Xi easily accepts that he is pregnant, very suitable for his indifferent personality. (This is for the last ARC)

I love Han Zhi Yuan's character, for me it's realistic and his approach is practical. I like how he is aware of his wrongs and his being unfair to the targets however he still has to do what needs to be done. It's not really his fault and the Main Soul of the ML is aware and kind of accomplice so it's acceptable

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ntww12 rated it
August 11, 2024
Status: Completed
It is an interesting worldhopping story with a seme protagonist who was initially straight but became gay for the cutie tsundere bottom after one world lol.

I think the worlds are rather interesting. However first world was super chaotic and I had no clue what was going on. The other stories also all had very abrupt endings and no resolution, with the MC dying/sacrificing himself to resonate the ML’s soul. The interstellar arc also had a super abrupt ending and I wished there was a part where MC and ML went... more>> back to finish all the worlds they were in to give it a proper finale.

Baby only appears at the very end and has basically a minor role in the story. <<less
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