A Very Shocking and Immoral Event


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The Crown Prince of Bern, who loved the daughter of his enemy.

“…..the child…… the child, Your Highness…….?”

The woman stammered, her trembling hands clutching her stomach. The wind whistled through the white snow, thick with the scent of blood.

“It was unwelcome, just like you.”

“……our child.”

“Deimos’s blood, too. Just like you.”

Arthur clenched Christine’s jaw. The woman who’d destroyed his life was terribly beautiful. Even the tears that flowed from her hollow eyes.

Arthur’s hand tightened on her slender chin.

“Don’t cry. Christine. This is just the beginning.”

He’d willingly become a demon to see the last of her, to watch her fall miserably, shredding the wings he’d given her.

The very shocking and immoral case of the prima donna, the illegitimate daughter of a commoner and the Crown Prince of Bern.

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A Very Shocking And Immoral Incident
매우 충격적이고 부도덕한 사건
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