A Unique Wedding Night


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Captured by the enemy, she was commanded to consummate the marriage on the first night.

The empire had fallen.

In the blink of an eye, Princess Ateira of the Ledetian Empire became a prisoner of war.

Having lost her family and everything she held dear, the princess lost all will to live.

She was now an empty shell, handed over as a mere trophy to the hero who had brought down her empire, and a marriage proposal was arranged.

“You must start with the wedding night.”

The proposal was absurdly forced upon her.

Faced with the prospect of marrying the very hero who had destroyed her empire, she thought to herself, “I’d rather die avenging my people.”

Resolved, the bride took up a dagger instead of a bouquet.

* * *

There could be no clearer message of wanting a breakup than attacking one’s fiancé.

“I get it—you truly despise this marriage.”

Leo Fric Helton, the hero who’d brought down her empire, thought as he faced the bride with a dagger in hand.

But even for the hero of the continent, the order to marry a captured princess was an unwelcome shock.

Rebellion or marriage—those were his only options.

He would have preferred to end the engagement quietly, but things weren’t going as planned.

“If one of us dies, the engagement will be nullified.”

Leo Fric muttered this to her as if talking to himself.

“But your plan failed, and I’m no longer interested in negotiation.”

He looked down at Ateira, who was now lying beneath him on the bed. Their eyes met in the tense air between them.

“And now that you know my secret, I can’t just let you go.”

Tears pooled in Ateira’s eyes, clear as crystal, as if realizing she could never escape him.

“Well then, shall we get on with it?”

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