A Story of a Knight In A Ruined Fantasy World


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A land polluted with poison, filled with cannibals and monsters. A world where society can only continue to exist inside “safe zones”. This is the story of Arsen, a knight who goes on an adventure in search of dreams and hope in this barren land.

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대충 망한 판타지의 기사
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Date Group Release
09/21/21 Your Fantasy Translations c19
09/18/21 Your Fantasy Translations c18
09/14/21 Your Fantasy Translations c17
09/11/21 Your Fantasy Translations c16
09/09/21 Your Fantasy Translations c15
09/08/21 Your Fantasy Translations c14
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09/06/21 Your Fantasy Translations c12
08/23/21 Your Fantasy Translations c12
08/23/21 Your Fantasy Translations c11
08/13/21 Your Fantasy Translations c10
08/11/21 Your Fantasy Translations c9
08/08/21 Your Fantasy Translations c8
08/06/21 Your Fantasy Translations c7
08/03/21 Your Fantasy Translations c6
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4 Reviews sorted by

New deadfisheyes rated it
September 8, 2024
Status: Completed
I remember reading this years ago when it wasn't translated haha. It is a good novel where MC has to struggle to survive. The female lead becomes quite capable with time as well. It starts as an adventure fantasy and then slowly turns to city building. It is very highly rated in Korea so do give it a try. Recommended.
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October 31, 2021
Status: c19
It might be a little too early to leave a review, but it was an enjoyable read. I might edit the review once there are more chapters translated, but as of now, I am enjoying the novel quite a bit.

Arsene (MC) is a very likeable character, although without much special qualities, he's not that bland either.

He is a little lucky however, so if you don't like MCs who rely on their luck, I'll warn you in advance.


The world setting looks interesting, and things are progressing neither too slowly, nor too fast.

Action scenes are well done, not the best but it was good.

As for romance,

there seems to be some adults wanting to get MC and this female character get engaged, but both are still 11 years old and their relationship may change in the future once they grow up (MC has also stated that he didn't have feelings for the female character, since he still sees her as a child, unlike him who is mentally an adult.)


There isn't exactly any plot right now and it's more like an insight on Arsene's life, but I think that might change in the future.
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Gkh22 rated it
April 10, 2024
Status: c39
the title is actually what the story is, it's the tale of a knight trying to make his way through a post-apocalyptic fantasy world. The author does well in creating a world with violence and fear teeming at every corner, but also makes sure to highlight the moments of humanity within this darkness, which provides for a lovely contrast that you want to keep reading more of.

... more>>

seeing characters die left and right makes you hope to the seven skies that none of the main cast dies, especially considering the horrific treatment of mages - tldr; keep eloise safe!

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default88 rated it
February 24, 2024
Status: c32
Absolutely love this story.

Also, while I'm generally not a fan of romance, this seems tolerable since the female lead isn't a leech but is instead able to hold her own (as a mage, i.e. A sort of magic blacksmith in this world, which isn't really a combat role but vital for supporting knights) and provide support to the MC. I dislike romances where the guy is doing everything and just dragging along a burden of a romantic interest.

The world building is interesting and I look forward to more of this!
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