A Story About a Girl Who Loves Her Childhood Friend


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I have someone I like.

His name is Yuki Mitagawa . I call him Yuki, and I’ve liked him for a long time.

As far as I can remember, I think I was already aware of Yuki back in kindergarten.

I used to be shy and timid, and Yuki would often protect me.

More than ten years have passed since then, and now Yuki and I are high school students.

I’ve been able to overcome my timid nature from back then.

I can walk with my head held high, and I even pay attention to my appearance.

Maybe because of that, I’ve made several friends, and I’ve been confessed to by boys multiple times. I’ve really changed.

Of course, I have no intention of dating anyone other than Yuki, so I politely decline them.

In any case, the timid version of me from back then no longer exists.

I can confidently say that I’ve changed, and now all that’s left is to confess to Yuki and start dating him.

That’s how it should have been, but…

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