A Rented Room by the Sea


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Sae Ayukawa was a freelance writer. She had resolved to live her life alone and moved into an old, damaged house that was fifty years old, which she had inherited. However, on the day she moved in, the house completely burned down.

Seeing Sae in a state of shock, her neighbor Sojiro Katsuragi approached her and offered her comfort. When Katsuragi was injured, Sae ended up staying at his house for a month, with the payment being three hours of housework a day.

Katsuragi, who had a handsome face and vast wealth, was fifty years old. Sae, who was financially struggling and had no intention of getting married, was thirty. With no romantic feelings between them, they began their temporary cohabitation.

As they slowly got closer, they hid the bitter pasts each of them carried.

Although their relationship appeared to be progressing smoothly, their pasts occasionally caused turbulence.

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