A Record of a Mortal’s Journey to Immortality – Immortal World Arc


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With a new record of a mortal’s journey to immortality, new episodes are abound.
In this sequel to the celebrated A Record of a Mortal’s Journey to Immortality—Immortal World edition, join Han Li’s eternal journey towards immortality in the Immortal world.

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Phàm Nhân Tu Tiên Chi Tiên Giới Thiên (Phàm Nhân Tu Tiên 2)
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A Record of a Mortal’s Journey to Immortality (Prequel)
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Dg2 rated it
November 30, 2020
Status: c22

In the first dozen of chapters we are introduce to the MC's fox friend. After a cool fight, we are once again are put through the torture of reading the MC losing his powers for the fourth time in the story, but now we have to deal with his apparent lack of memories on top of it. This is completely ridiculous for the author to think that this was a good idea to start the second part of his book. And don't forget guys, this fic takes place right after the MC goes to the Fairy World right when he REGAINED his powers for the THIRD TIME.

I really don't know if I should even attempt reading this any longer. This author clearly grew to big for his own good and created a disaster of a story so far. As of now the first translator has done a horrible job with the translation. By giving characters names like White Jade and Daoist This and That. It is clearly obvious this work is derived from google translate with little time put into fixing the grammar and sentence structures.

Overall I'll wait till a good 200 chapters are translated. So I can skip a head where we have a MC who is back to his previous strength. Right now this fic is a solid 2/5 for everything being subar. I'll update this with in the next five years.

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MaceTheDon rated it
September 5, 2022
Status: Completed
I had to read a MTL for this novel since this isn't being translated anymore (found a pretty serviceable MTL all things considered). This novel is more of the same in regards to my feelings for the prequel. There is too much fighting, as such there is very little world building & little to no interesting characters introduced or even built upon with the current cast of side characters (which got boring real fast).

Romance is tr*sh btw.

Completed it for completions sake, as I already read too much before I could... more>> even decide to look back. <<less
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Demonic Reader lv 451F
Demonic Reader lv 451F rated it
April 25, 2022
Status: c30
Have high hope that the author would grow up and write better. But It Is Worse.

It's still the white beard Passerby-A fighting blue-gown Passerby-B for 5 chapters while the MC playing yellow mud. Suddenly the MC gets bore, throws the mud, killing these two anonymous plus the jade-face passerby-C and elogant dress man.

The MC immortality is nothing buy]t perpetual robot. Queen Borg is more human than this aimless MC.

My conclusion : no need to waste your time.
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PluristPurist rated it
April 19, 2024
Status: Completed
I mostly enjoyed the first book, probably a 4 out of 5. The sequel is much of the same and that's not an entirely bad thing if you liked the first one. There are some massive problems I have with it though. To start the MC has his cultivation ruined once again, this time at the very beginning. (you'd best believe it might happen again too) If the author had never done this I wouldn't complain too much but anybody that read the first book knows the author's already done... more>> this multiple times. This is a bigger issue I have with the sequel, the author seems like he's really run out of ideas and re-uses old plot points to make things harder on him/try to spice things up. Reading the first book and going right into this one feels awful bc all the progress he made in the last one is thrown straight out the window. This time he not only lost his cultivation and items, he also lost his memories of the past 300 years. The first 200 chapters are an absolute slog to get through. It doesn't improve until he gets to the blaze dragon dao sect and gets most of his stuff back. (I remember the 200 chapter mark being around where his cultivation and items mostly come back)

One of the other problems is the lack of characters to care about. The only good thing the start of the book does is introduce you to a cute fox girl that helps take care of him while he's down and out. Almost immediately she gets stolen away bc he had to move to another area and the author didn't want to lug her around all day. Again, you don't meet anybody to care about for the first 200 chapters. This feels extra miserable when he's only progressing to right where he was at the end of the first book. I was left with nothing to care about, getting back what he already had or uncovering the garbage secrets behind how he ended up in the situation were just annoying to read about. Why the author thought gimping his cultivation again would be a good idea is beyond me.

This leads into the third major complaint I have, the author changed his personality a bit. It actually makes sense that he wouldn't interact with many characters bc he's pretty cautious and calculating. (although the author should have given us some characters to find interesting) He takes far more risks in this book and he often forgets crucial points that come back to bite him later. I don't believe for a second he's actually this dumb and its just the author forcing the story in certain directions. My last complaint before I go into the good stuff is the focus on time laws. The author makes his major power time and I can already tell it's going to make things super messy. Combine unavoidable trips into the past and him constantly ruining his time dao runes which are super important for his combat strength and you have a messy time travel story where the author constantly gimps his power level for future plot payoffs. I hate this combo and it seems like it's going to become an increasingly big part of the story.

So what's good about this story? The author's biggest strength in my opinion is the amazing world he creates. It's so much fun exploring different locations and seeing different races/species. The MC is still pretty good, although not as good as he was in the previous book. He's still cautious and calculating whenever the author doesn't force him to be dumb. The powers he gains are actually pretty cool whenever the author doesn't ruin them and fights are still fun to read. There are also some cool characters to read about past chapter 200, I actually laughed and cared about a few of them. Haven't run into any of his old flames yet either, so no romance. (shocking that people on Wuxia World think Nanong Wang his dao partner is great, she was never there even in the first book bc the author is terrified of writing romance, how can anyone like her when she doesn't exist?) Every-time I start writing a review my brain starts falling apart halfway through so its time to end this.

Read this if you liked the first one, its much of the same. If you hate the cultivation loss like I do then skim or skip the first 200 chapters, you aren't missing much anyway. (maybe just read the very beginning with the fox girl)

EDIT AFTER READING 300 more chaps (603-894) In short this sh*t does not get better. More reused plotlines and the author making the MC even dumber than before. The situations he finds himself in are even more infuriating for how he ended up in them and increasingly dumb and forced in how the author digs him out. Also the time law powers get even more absurd and make things very unsatisfying to read. I'll spoiler most of this so I can go into more detail.


I'll start with the quick one, he can almost immediately go back in time now sometimes. He helps himself defeat a really powerful enemy despite not knowing it was himself until he goes back in time 10 chapters earlier. I HATE this, it feels so unsatisfying and just way too op. The author tries to cope about how the past world rejects him and he can't use his full power but its still so s*upid and op. There's also more setups for what I guarantee I won't like. Anyone with half a brain cell can tell from early on a lot of plot points, maybe even from the first book are going to be set into motion by himself using his time powers. I just hate it, but maybe I'm weird. Whatever, that's hardly the biggest complaint I have with the past 300 chapters. Almost forgot the super annoying point that he has to burn his time dao runes every time he uses this s*upid time journey which severely gimps his power level in the present. I never want to read about a fight where he can't use his full power bc the author keeps ruining it.



These next two complaints are about the ret*rded situations he ends up in bc the author either forces him to be dumb or reckless. Then the ridiculous lengths and coincidences the author has to go to drag him out of them. (I want to puke thinking about how time powers and himself doing things in the past/future might actually set up his ways out at times.)

The first one he gets teleported away to a totally different realm which is a bit silly but the author did this plenty in the first book so I wont complain much. Long story short his cultivation has been stuck and now the world is making his baleful qi so bad that he might turn into a rat immortal/grey world person. He's given a couple options on how to deal with this: option A, an almost sure fire way to get out of this world and go back to his with the Uber powerful organization he's a member of where he can solve his issues there by himself or finding somebody else to help. Option B, go to a super secret special area in the capital city that's guarded by very powerful forces that hate anybody from his world, to use a s*upid pool that will help him break through and cleanse himself (repeated plotline like the first book) Of course he chooses the s*upid pool with infinite risk and no guarantee of success. The author almost catches himself later when he's about to enter the secret area. He has a line that makes me think he realizes how s*upid his choice is and he has to make up an excuse for why this was actually necessary all the sudden. "uh, that baleful qi is actually worse than I thought so I'm forced to try this option even though I didn't mention this earlier when I could have left safely." Old Han Li would have never been this reckless and s*upid, he wasn't anywhere close to a dead end and he just chooses this terrible option. He's explored maybe 2% of the immortal world and already came to the conclusion this is the best option to advance.

I'll skim the details but he gets captured and now we need the coincidences and forced plot points to dig him out. Of course Weeping Soul from the first book happens to be there when he's captured and comes to save his group. Now he goes to the pool and there just so happens to be a dao ancestor fox from his world who just so happens to have a clan member in Han Li's group. Of course they somehow managed to escape. This whole 20-30ish chapters was so ridiculous to read and just further cemented my opinion that the author really fell off for this book. It also wasn't any fun to read, it just felt goofy and I couldn't wait for it to be over. Go figure the dao ancestor fox only cares about his clan member and takes him away. Not to worry though, another member of the group has a huge background and just so happened to master an artifact so his dao ancestor father could teleport him and Han Li away to another totally different world. (lol)

In this second example I actually don't mind or disagree with his decision to enter a really dangerous realm that's almost guaranteed to spell trouble. He has to enter this place to save Violet Spirit who just got thrown in a couple years before him. (I'll ignore how Daoist Xie just happens to have his plot related to this place and in the massive demon world Violet Spirit just happens to end up in there too lol) Although entering this place is s*upid, I get it and don't really fault him. He's always cared about the people he really loves. So, what's so bad about this next part? He falls for one of the dumbest schemes I've seen. He hardly has any resistance to it and basically walks into the trap. This and the last example really shows how far his character has fallen. Old Han Li would never throw himself into dangerous situations for a slim chance at gains or if he had to he wouldn't fall for a trap a 5 year old could see through. He was always cautious and calculating, and even when sh*t hit the fan he'd find some way to figure it out. I skipped most of the details but his way of getting out of this one is also filled with so many coincidences and a nice "I'm the main character, my willpower will actually let me gain something from misfortune moment!" It's just so silly. Him getting captured this second time actually leads to a cool arc where he's a gladiator. I think this would have been fun to read if I could get past the author making him so dumb to where he hops right into a trap. If some super op character came in and forced him I wouldn't even mind this arc, why ruin his brain for no reason though?

That's enough whinging from me, I'll just say this is obviously my opinion and how I look at things. If you want to see the polar opposite go read this on WuxiaWorld where 99% of people are "just vibin" as the kids say and enjoying the ride. For me though, its insulting how dumb the author makes Han Li and the time powers and goofy ways he gets out of things just become more and more ridiculous. Much much worse than the 1st book.


FINAL EDIT:I finished this a bit ago and already forgot a lot of things, this is going to be very scatter-brained. In short, it gets progressively worse. I remember reading and looking at the chapter numbers wondering when the author was going to start setting things up for the end. 500 left-no-400-no-300-nope-200-kind of/not really-100-the endgame. It was very disappointing, the main villain is hardly set up outside of him having one of the most generic bad guy motivations in the cultivation world. The fight between the factions and its effects on the world feel very lackluster. Han Li's been running from the heavenly court for so long and we hardly get a confrontation between them. Again, hardly anything is set up and it feels very rushed. The way Han Li powers up to get near his enemy's level is pretty sh*t outside of one time where I thought it made sense. (its just bullsh*t time stuff so I guess it makes sense, it just feels horribly generic and way too op) The final fight has another garbage "I'm the main character watch how I turn things around from sure defeat" This is something I really started noticing the further I got into this book, the author made his story painfully generic in how a bunch of plot points play out. At least in the last book I felt like Han Li was smart and he had plans or he really had to scr*pe by to get his way. It turned into a bargain bin cultivation novel by the end. There's plenty more I could complain about but I'll just touch on a few things and finish this off, too much typing won't add much.

One of my favorite things about the past book was the varied environment's and species he meets. This one feels a lot smaller and not nearly as interesting. I feel like by the end of the novel he'd explored 3-4% of the world, WAY too much time was spent in really annoying secret realms giving him the generic powerups or setting plot points in motion that were needed. It's not to say he doesn't go some different places and meet weird things but it feels very rushed, especially near the end. Oh, now we're in the netherworld bc the plot requires it lol. The characters were pretty lackluster this time around too, hardly anybody is developed and almost everyone feels very plain.

This requires its own section bc of how sh*t and s*upid his character became in this book. This quote made me laugh out loud, its from mtl but it still makes sense. "His cultivation had been improving very quickly these years. His time law had also improved very quickly. However, the cultivation of his state of mind hadn't kept up, which was why he did such an irrational action. Thinking of this, Han Li let out a light breath. It was as if he had spat out all his pride and arrogance. His heart was like a spray of cold water, he completely regained his calmness" I already complained about this in the last edits but yes, Han Li is completely ret*rded in this book and this is how the author explains it lmao. Btw, him realizing he's been full of himself and thinks nothing can touch him has happened throughout the whole book and even after calling himself out like this you'd best believe he'll do it again. Just terrible compared to the last book.

I was worried about all the time travel bs in my last edit and a lot of what I feared came true. That being said I'll give the author credit for making some of it very weird lol. Does it being weird make it good? No, and it might make even less sense this way but I enjoyed it more so I won't complain as much.

As long as I didn't miss out on something in the mtl, Han Li is somebody from a past life who cultivated the time dao and ended up clashing with the time daolord and losing. He somehow manages to send himself back in time and recultivates the reincarnation law becoming the head of the Samsara Temple. Somehow he does all that, but Han Li who is also him gets sent to another time and we follow everything he does with the books. He has no memory of this past life and is somehow the same person. The weirdest part is that Nanong Wang is both of their lover (s) but the current one doesn't have memory of her past life until the Samsara master reawakens her memories. I'm getting tired of typing but reading this part was WEIRD lol, she has to choose between one of them even though they're both the same person but also not the same person??? Finally, the time bottle that Han Li's had from the beginning isn't explained well and just feels like a magic mcguffin for anytime the author needs something crazy to happen for Han Li to win. The bottle spirit knows so much but never explains anything and never shows up unless its time to bail Han Li out. I hate it, but I get there not being any mystery if the author explained things earlier. Finally some more weirdness with time. Han Li goes back in time to save somebody and he ends up setting his whole story in motion by kicking the bottle to himself at the start of the story, so predictable. Also, there's another Han Li that ascends at the end of the book or maybe it truly is his friend from the start Li Feiyu. Or it's his other reincarnation that mastered samsara and reincarnated again? I couldn't tell through the shitty mtl. It makes more sense if its his friend but it seemed like another him was still in the world, very weird and I hate time for how f*cky it makes the plot.


There might be some extra chapters I need to read but the mtl site I'm on didn't have them (it said the book is done but he might release some after thoughts/things he didn't touch on) The author totally forgot about his group of followers/servants he met at the Blaze Dragon Dao Sect lol. Alright I'm done, I'm not sure if you should read this. It feels much worse than the first book for ruining Han Li's personality, his cultivation (again), and for how generic and rushed everything feels by the end. Kind of like the end of this review bc I gotta run somewhere and this is probably all over the place... <<less
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Eccentric lezmier
Eccentric lezmier rated it
September 25, 2023
Status: Completed
This sequel was long overdue by the time I got it.

The plot is in similar fashion to the first one. Some relationships are continuing and we see some good new ones. Some plot holes from the prequel are well covered here.

‘I love the fights, the romance plot, cultivation progress; and how the overarching plot is resolved in the end as well.
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Infinite_V0id rated it
September 1, 2021
Status: c0
Honestly, when I read prologue and amount of chapter, I hope amount of expression changes here is different. Who am I trying to decieve? So what if you're immortal, if you are part of this novel. I see it as if author use his pen to distort their faces ;D
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Afm rated it
December 3, 2022
Status: Completed
Compare with the 1st arch... this 2nd one more shabby as the writer seem lost idea & 'start-to-jump-into-bandwagon'..

The MC originally an 'Independent/Indifferent person'.. BUT.. writer change his personality to 'Clingy/Busybody/Nosy' one... MC start to run around saving his people.. one after another... while being hunt by enemy..

its too tiring to finish...
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