A Modern Man Reincarnated Into Tang Dynasty And Become A County Magistrate


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Fang Yuan transmigrates to the Tang Dynasty and becomes the county magistrate of Wuling County.

After five years of governance, Wuling County now boasts cement roads, hotels, clubs, factories, tea houses, and more. The economy thrives, agriculture flourishes…

In the second year of Zhenguan, a severe drought strikes the land, followed by a locust plague. Rumors spread among the people that the emperor’s loss of virtue caused these calamities. Officials pressure Li Shimin (The Emperor) to issue a public confession of his faults.

Helpless and desperate, Li Shimin suddenly got a vision about a wise minister in the south who could solve his crisis. Disguised as a commoner, he embarks on a secret journey southward, eventually arriving in Wuling County…

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