A Madman in Love


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There are all sorts of lunatics in the world:

Self-centered, reckless, psychotic, impulsive, obsessive, and pe*verted.

As far as Suin knows, that man embodied every single one of those traits—an obsessive, pe*verted psycho.

And now, that lunatic is back.

“Finally, we meet.”

“Adult Lee Suin.”

He didn’t even try to hide the sticky hunger in his gaze, like a starved lion finally spotting its prey.

“A job reassignment?”

“I want Lee Suin to help me.”

Chairman Woo Ilhwa, unaware of his son’s true intentions, reassigns Suin, his chief secretary, to serve as his son’s personal secretary.

This forces Suin into close proximity with the man who’s been preying on her from the shadows.

“Wait for me, Lee Suin.”

During his eleven years of exile, Jaehee had dreamed of one thing:

A proper relationship—not as a restricted minor, but as a full-grown adult.

A relationship where he could take what he wanted, whenever and however he pleased.

That’s why, even though Suin was as rigid as a steel rod, his sly persistence ignited the spark within him whenever he faced her.

“What do you want from me?”


“Lee Suin.”

But it seems Suin has been flirting with some bastard behind his back, and Jaehee’s jealousy and obsession explode.

“Don’t take a single step.”

“Unless you want to see me go completely insane.”

What nonsense.

You were already insane to begin with.

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