A Knight Who Protects His Enemies


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I thought there was no one I wanted to protect.

Until I met you, my enemy, you who was falling apart.

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The Doctor Cured The Villainess And Ran Away (1)
The Escort Knight Who Is Obsessed by the Villainess Wants to Escape (1)
Between Your Letter and My Reply (1)
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10 Reviews sorted by

Cennepal rated it
November 19, 2024
Status: c38
Not to say that my opinion is the only one that is correct, but I am baffled by the reviews on this PoS.

First of all, the author writes very well, yes, but everything else is just a pain.

The MC is really great, but gets dragged down by the abysmally bad FMC, who I would say, is the worst leading character I have ever read in my entire life thus far, even exceeding bad 'duke of north' novels!

She's just irredeemable tr*sh from the start, doesn't change, repays kindness with sheer animosity... more>> and hostility, tormenting our MC even after

he saved her life twice


Not to mention that even after those

two attempts at her life

and being graciously saved every time, she becomes even more irredeemable by allying herself with an evil force, literally tossing MCs efforts out of the window.

'B-but she's nice sometimes' I hear you say. Well, I don't give a sh*t. An evil person is just that, evil. Doesn't mean they can't smile and be nice sometimes.

The FMC is just too far gone to redeem in any kind of way, and most of the kindness she shows is basically just for her own self-gratification, after which she throws MC back into a pit of suffering, like she's done playing with a toy.

And I haven't even mentioned that the entire novel starts with two major spoilers that literally are enough to tell you what the last chapters of this novel contain, making the entire read completely a waste of time, as everything is just slow and painful filler until that spoiled ending comes!

All-in-all, worst novel I've ever read hands down, even worse than Kuruno Mao. It's slow, spoiled and the FMC the MC is lusting after is an irredeemable bastard who only gets what she gets because the author is literally bending human common sense to make it happen plot wise.

Again, this might just me being 'not understanding' the genius of this author, and I understand that some people still read novels after one five star comment told them it was good. But if you share my opinion three chapters in, then just drop it, the entire thing is a pain. <<less
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KA2094 rated it
October 17, 2024
Status: c9
Nope. Nope. Nope.

I hate the MC so much. He is consistently has a noble's arrogance and just sucks at communicating.

To some degree it is expected being a glorified hostage but when ge is trying to "comfort" Vivian and he:

... more>>

Basically says that her family deserved death and she the fact she feels overwhelmed by everyone around her hating her and having no one to go to. That is too far and supremely dumb.

Yes, I know how to make someone "better", let's do effectively the same thing as everyone else, telling her she is useless and isn't doing enough, WHICH IS THE REASON SHE IS SUICIDAL IN THE FIRST PLACE.

Of course, it will work because he is the MC and the author wills it to.

But, OBVIOUSLY it is just the toxic "everything is your fault (even if it is provably not) so if you are in a situation then blaming others is weak" that I absolutely despise.

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grrc rated it
January 8, 2025
Status: c54
The 5 star is mostly to offset the negative reviews but I will say that this novel is quite well written. The characters are all likable in their own ways, and while some people have expressed their dissatisfaction with the fMC, I feel like they need to cut her some slack considering the circumstances shes been through, she reacts like any teen would have when it comes to losing her family (not spoilers, mentioned in the first couple chapters). Plus as the story progresses both MCs visibly change and develop... more>> which is nice to see happen.

Only real downside is knowing this authors previous works, a lot of suffering is to be had ahead so read this story (like the others) with caution lol.

*chapter 72 update*

f*ck this author bro

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dooroflight rated it
October 19, 2024
Status: c24
Great story so far. Two lonely characters that should hate each other find comfort in knowing only the other one wont wear a mask and try to deceive. Its not about misunderstandings so far its sort of each of them helping the other one when they are down. Its very cute so far and I like the developments so far.
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The Reader No.222007
The Reader No.222007 rated it
October 8, 2024
Status: c5
It's an interesting premise... for now.

While I'm not sure how well it will play out in the future, the potential now seems quite good.

There's a certain hook with emotion and drama right from the get-go, which is pretty well-established but as said, there are too few chaps to see if it is just a generally good novel or a masterpiece worth millions of views.

Ps: And yes, I do find my lack of empathy in this review to be quite sad. Objectivity really is a ducking devil, sry.

I hope they will continue to translate this and not drop it :>
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God Emorly
God Emorly rated it
November 16, 2024
Status: c52
I was about to drop this novel out of sheer frustration...

But I just couldn't put it away.

As the author of "Incompatible Interspecies Wives" you know this won't be a novel for the faint of heart but...

... more>> ..


.. Man oh man.... This story sometimes feels like trying to swallow cement.


The MC is part of a noble family that has a rivalry with the noble family of another kingdom.

A war starts between the kingdoms and MCs family wins... But their kingdom doesn't.

Now the MC (14 years old) has to go to his noble rivals territory as a hostage to be humiliated.

But his rivals family died during the war.... except for the pitiful crying daughter.

Now the MC decides to help the pitiful girl (Vivian) who only has enemies around her.

It feels like swallowing cement...

Then why did I keep reading?

1. Authors previous books!

Reading his previous work you can see how well the author writes.

He is extremely good at making you feel his characters emotions.

And he does this in this book as well...

You feel the MCs shame, when he winces and trembles while the whole town shouts at him to die and that he should go to hell.

You feel that and it makes you angry.

When he shouts back at them you feel the justice of his retorts and root for the MC.


When the heroine makes the MC pull her horses reins during a parade to let her citizens vent their anger by throwing rotten tomatoes you feel the anger and shame.

But you also feel a sugar rush when after 50 chapters the MC hugs the heroine and she turns red due to embarrassment and lust.


The author can use that to make you feel miserable.

Or like your on a sugar rush with diabetes inducing cute scenes.

Which leads to a roller coaster of emotions.

Thrilling and really sucks you into the novel but not something for the faint of heart.

2. The MC is a certified badass!

I don't know why the previous review hated the MC so much.....

But for a 14 year old boy, in enemy territory welcomed by an angry mob throwing stones and rotten fruits at him.

He's doing quite well.

He's very determined and hailed as a once in a century prodigy.

You see that he's a noble through his extensive knowledge of noble society and ruthless actions befitting his lineage.

He's definitely no op cheat MC.

Rather he's a more realistic genius swordsmen, held back by his inexperience and young age.

So don't expect some god almighty Kirito but don't expect a weak willed loser either.


He kills a freaking Dragon at 15 years of age and executes 20 people at the age of 14.

He also talks back to anyone that berates him and isn't powerless even in enemy territory, as they don't want his father the 'Unbeaten Knight' to destroy their whole territory.


3. Need More Chapters!

Now I could say that I love the dynamic characters and that their dialogues are well thought out.

That it's refreshing to see the MC and heroine have their own life and that both of them grow as characters.

But I feel like with only 52 chapter translated and 54 raw chapters.

You can't make a definite judgement just yet.

What I can say is that seeing the MC grow is immensely pleasurable and that I can't wait for him to become a total badass.

Why does it feel like swallowing cement though?

1. MC kinda a Simp!

The MC helps Vivian out constantly but only gets shamed and berated for it.

And while the MC doesn't mind and will definitely will gez his quote-on-quote 'revenge'.

It just feels awful seeing him be hated even though he did nothing wrong and is doing everything to help Vivian.

He's not really a Simp, he doesn't let her command him around and is definitely not some masochist weirdo you see in other Novels


It already starts changing during chapter 20 and after chapter 35 Vivian starts falling in love with the MC.


2. Slow pace!

Same as all the other works of this Author it's slow paced and more time is spent exploring the characters than anything really happening.

Most of the development happens as they slowly become more aware of their feelings and when they experience character growth.

It never bothered me because every chapter is enjoyable to read but if your looking for fast paced you won't find it here.

I hope you enjoy the novel and leave a good rating so that this will get more chapters faster.

Enjoy! <<less
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3 0 e x p
3 0 e x p rated it
October 11, 2024
Status: c8
Pretty serious novel it have some nice interactions and conversations with you know how the MC is part of an enemy kingdom, it also offers really good perspectives and biases with how some characters act infront of the MC with the story offering a touch of intrigue with how the main conflict is based on so it does really create a lot of opportunities for theory crafting and audience participation.

Im actually hoping we get to see how their relationships grow and mold as the series grow, and based on what... more>> I read its actually really fun hoping we get to see deep insights to both the kingdoms which really touches my curiosity about the setting, the world and even other conflicts they can actually provide with this novel. <<less
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Rockey rated it
November 19, 2024
Status: c37
The only reason why I'm writing a review prematurely is because of other low reviews.

This work is on par with the masterpiece of the author's previous work. However, this time the topic is, in my opinion, far more serious.

So the author doesn't give us proper answers, even characters themselves aren't sure why they do some things. But we, the readers, are given enough to speculate.

Yes, some won't like how the characters are changing their minds out of nowhere or act while contradicting their own thoughts we read in the same... more>> chapter, but isn't that how life works? Call it bad writing, I call it gripping storytelling. By making me question "Why the hell would he do that?", and not saying "This is s*upid", I continued reading, which in itself proves that the writing is not bad at all.

Now, a warning for those who haven't read this author's other work. The pace is slow, extremely slow. Another review mentioned the feeling of swallowing cement, and I sort of agree, but not in the way that user described. It is not a spoiler to say that the ML and FL will be together eventually, the question is when and how. And the wait is honestly excruciating. Each time we get any progress, I want to squeal like a fangirl, but when something happens that will obviously hinder their relationship, I want to just skip everything to them getting along again. The road of our MCs is by no means straight, but that's the fun of reading the works of this author.

To sum up, as I went on quite a rant, just give it a try man. It's not even mtl, and honestly the market for non-harem novels is extremely low rn, so just read it, enjoy it, and give it 5 stars cuz translators don't pick up novels if they see that the genre is not getting enough views. <<less
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Timewinders rated it
November 21, 2024
Status: c30
It's pretty good so far. It's a star-crossed lovers/enemies to lovers type of romance. The main character is a hostage from a militaristic family being held by his family's enemies (think a Theon Greyjoy type of situation) and the heroine is the last daughter of his family's enemies, thrust into being a lord at a young age, which she is clearly not ready for. The heroine's mother asked the protagonist when she was on her deathbed to protect the heroine from her relatives who are scheming to assassinate her and... more>> steal her position as lord, forcing the two to interact with each other and to bond over how they are both essentially surrounded by people who are indifferent or hostile to them. It's early into the story, but so far the romance is progressing slowly but steadily.

If you've read the author's other stories, such as Incompatible Interspecies Wives, don't expect this one to be the same. There is still drama and the main character still suffers, but there isn't a harem and the drama is mainly political drama, foiling assassination plots, etc. <<less
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Dookudooki rated it
November 17, 2024
Status: --
Honestly the witch's curse kinda spoils you what will happen later in the story. It's within the first chapter itself so I doubt you'd be missing much even if you read this.

She basically curses that MC isn't meant to live longer than the age of 30 and isn't destined to have a child. Even if he has a child it'll be a weak one. And finally he'll end up falling in love with someone that he isn't meant to love (basically his love interest from the enemy).

Personally, I don't mind... more>> reading tragedy stories like these but starting off your novel with a spoiler is the worst f*cking way to go about it. It's like a movie trailer that tells you how exactly the villain is destined to lose and the hero ends up sacrificing himself. You just lose all the expectations and excitement knowing what the future of the novel holds. <<less
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