A Case of Transmigrating as a Sick Villain


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“What did the doctor say?”


“They said it’s amnesia, right?”


“Did they find out you were lying?”

Jingyeom, who had wrapped himself up tightly in a blanket with only his eyes peeking out, looked at Soohyuk with a sullen expression.

“I never lied.”

Soohyuk smirked, raising one corner of his mouth in a derisive manner.


“They said it’s dissociative amnesia.”

“…So you really lost your memory?”

“Well, if the doctor said so, then it must be true.”

Jingyeom replied in the same sulky tone, apparently offended by the suggestion of lying.

“What does it feel like to not have any memory?”


Jingyeom slowly let go of the blanket he had been clutching tightly and wiggled his fingers. It wasn’t a question he could answer easily.

Even though he hadn’t truly lost his memory, he was experiencing it indirectly.

After the examination, when the doctor asked several questions, it was ironically true that he couldn’t remember anything at all.

At that moment, he wondered if this was the side effect of the transmigration.

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9 Reviews sorted by

New Nyurr rated it
February 4, 2025
Status: Completed
This one is cute. I like how the 3 MLs ended up being handled. I especially liked how the brother relationship was handled since they both care for each other so much and are trying not to hurt each other.

I wish MC was a bit less fragile or a bit smarter. It was pretty frustrating for him to keep carelessly getting injured, so I am taking away a star for that.
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New Exuria rated it
January 21, 2025
Status: c91
The translations are obviously not human translated, and yet the site wants people to pay to read further? Highway robbery smh. It's as high as 3 stars just cuz MC is so cute, lovable, and hilarious.

Dropping this at chapter 91 just cuz I already know who MC ends up with and it doesn't interest me anymore tbh


Prev spoilers said MC ends up with his not blood related brother. I was kinda hoping for a harem ending lmao

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nicollo rated it
September 15, 2024
Status: c37
The novel is good so far but I have so many questions to ask!!!!

Like who's the ML? How many MLs are there 2 or 3? Or will this be an in*est story (which I have no problem on) but from what I have read, apparently it's one sided.... everything is so vague, I don't know what's going on!!!!!!!!

If it's not in*est, then who's the ML???

... more>> I can't read the raws, so if anyone can answer my questions, I'll thank you in advance😭😭😭

ps. About the in*est stuff I mentioned above, it might not be true and it's just my crazy assumption for now cuz I myself don't really understand what's happening in the novel!! So for those who have an ick for in*est, pls don't judge the book yet cuz it's not 100% confirm!!!


So, I read some reviews on the raw websites and I think I can clue together some plot points... It's not super accurate but it's all I've got...

So there'll be 3 MLs and yes the brother will be one of them... but apparently they aren't really related??? (I'm not too sure about this but I saw a few review that implied they aren't related) The real ML will sadly not be the brother😭😭😭😭 (and we're crying because after reading the book you'll come to realise the brother is as green as a green flag can get and the other MLs are a bit of a nut job) The final ML might be the brother's boss but I'm not too sure about that cuz the google translation wasn't too clear...

There might be some things that I'm wrong about so take it with a grain of salt👍👍


I just realised on the book cover there's clearly 3 hands from 3 different person, so idk why I was having such a hard time finding out how many ML there are in this novel🤣🤣🤣 <<less
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conocuts rated it
November 8, 2024
Status: c25
if you're going to use AI to translate a novel, at least put in some effort to fix the pronoun errors and the point of view.

especially if you're going to make people pay to read the rest of the novel that you 'translated' in a handful of hours.

also I personally did not enjoy the MC. If you're not a fan of MC's with the mind of a child and constant description about how cute and adorable they are, this is not the novel for you.

... more>>

i did give two stars because I really liked the premise of the novel. I wanted to see how jinwoo and jingyeom's relationship changes! Honestly, I really liked jinwoo, he felt so real to me straight up from the beginning. With the way he was worried that his brother was playing a cruel game with him, to the guilt he felt when thought about how nice it could be if jingyeom never got his memories back. But jinwoo wasnt enough to continue reading. <<less
28 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
October 27, 2024
Status: c25
hi it just my thoughts

this story is so good but why we have to buy the rest of the chapters?? Isnt turning off the ad blocker and reading on the site is not enough? (Genuinely asking cus some of the translation are bit off like the name got switched or the npc gender is keep changing I dont even know is the character actually a female or male for example secretary yang and jingyeom jinwoo sometimes got switched too)

it just like mtl for real, I appreciate a lot for... more>> the translation team. I just want to said my opinion. I still gather the mana tho it such a hassle sorry cus I love jingyeom. <<less
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Empathatic rated it
October 28, 2024
Status: --
Let's talk about what makes the harem genre the harem genre. We can't just look at the literal definition of the word harem either, because genres are usually a lot more flexible than that, but we still need to understand what typically defines that genre.

By Novel Updates standard the harem genre is defined as follows: "... involving one male character and many female characters (usually attracted to the male character)."

Since that definition is fairly vague, we can throw away gender, and then go a bit further and talk about other... more>> media. In anime and manga that are harem it's typically a person who has multiple ambiguous relationships with people who are romantically interested in them. Sometimes these anime and manga will end with the MC having an open and ambiguous relationship that is never defined. Sometimes they have the character actually get together with every member of the harem, leaving nothing ambiguous. And sometimes, just sometimes, those harems end with the MC getting together with just one love interest.

The key point is that, for the harem genre, it doesn't matter how, or with who, the character ends up dating. What matters is that there are multiple potential love interests that are pursuing, or at least being ambiguous with, the MC for an extended period of time (Obviously the length of time of ambiguity to determine if it should be classified in the harem genre will be subjective). If these things weren't the case, many popular harem manga and anime wouldn't fall into the harem genre at all. This novel definitely has that for a good portion of the story.

In my opinion it requires three potential love interests at a minimum, which this story also fulfills.

The real problem with this story isn't the harem genre though. Nope, it's the MC. There's naive and innocent, and then there's s*upid to the point of frustration. That's what you get with this MC.

Unless you want to burn through braincells trying to justify the MC's actions, I don't recommend reading this. <<less
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Sellychi rated it
October 23, 2024
Status: Completed
It's a 1v1 in the end. I stan who he ends up with (there were hints guys!), but it leaves the other two on a bittersweet note with a big splash of heartache which was mildly soothed by drowning in alcohol ha.

The MC has that naïve innocence to him, aided no less by the missing memories/transmigration, but also due to his not that much different frail life from the OG BJG, it could even be said to be a worst more constrained life (hospital 24/7) than OG BJG leading to... more>> his ignorance on how the world works. Most of his knowledge base came from youtube and tv shows. This led to many wholesome moments because MC was experiencing the world like never before, his curiosity was boundless and he wanted to do what he can even with the obstacles and restrictions left on him.

It was a fun read as MC enters this much more exciting chapter in his life. He made bonds, got scammed, navigate relationships, worry about finance/debt, and most importantly to me... enter and exit the hospital multiple times lol, it's my kink ok cough cough. A nice warm hurricane of worry wrapped around MC constantly, giving him a much needed coddling which he so lacked in his past life. This sweet boi needs to be loved okay and he got what he wished for < (ಥ ω ಥ) >

The ending, as of 205 chapters, has quite a few loose ends that left me unsatisfied but I did notice that the official version in ridi has r19 side stories and special side story listed, maybe it would've given more context... or maybe just spice but either way it's a pity I couldn't access them. Overall, this story was definitely to my taste, so I'd say that it was a great read~ <<less
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grtsbby rated it
November 18, 2024
Status: --
Umm so far so good *chef kiss* thanks for translation team, it just sometimes got messed up between jinwoo & jingyeom, the POV, the pronounce error, -like secretary Yang.

Ouhhh and I have some theory based on the cover:

... more>>

there are three hands, so lets assume that there would be three ppl who's gonna fall for shou/uke.

The first hand (hand with scars) is Tak Wonbeom's, the second one, the one around shou/uke's chest is jinwoo (I got some spoiler that jinwoo actually not related to jingyeom. But aren't they fraternal twins? I'm a lil bit confused but it's okay, so for any of you who found in*est disturbing this fact is a breather) . And the last one, around jingyeom cheek, I assume this one is soohyuk, bcs so far, he's the only one who likes pinch jingyeom's cheek.

Andddd it could be just my delulu, but anyone who pinch jingyeom cheek on the cover would be the ML.

And why am I assuming this? Well, if y'all look at the cover, that hand is the only hand entangled with jingyeom's hand -even just a lil bit.


And that's it. Sorry for my broken English. I'm not native speaker

Love y'all ❤️ ❤️ <<less
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Kaya547 rated it
October 22, 2024
Status: c71
MC is cuteeeeeeeee!!!

I just want to continue reading this novel only for the MC lol. He is very cute! This is so good read, just fluffy cute story with harem lol.

Edit: Okay, I know harem tag is confusing but don't forget there is yaoi tag too. It's tag as Harem because there are multiple ML. When Harem tag is with Yaoi tag: it is BL Harem. Read all the tags.

Also, MC can be dumb and clueless but that's what make him so cute. He is not annoying, but... more>> he is kind and trying his best to help the brother. Sure, he is not that smart but he is not that dumb either. The translation can be confusing a little because of changing "he/she" but ignore that and this novel is just a fluffy, comfort BL reading. Want some action, drama, life changing romance, conflict? This is not for you. <<less
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