A Boy Who Was Left Behind in a Dungeon With His Leg Cut Off Became Stronger and Survived, So He Takes Revenge


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For some reason, the adventurer boy named Ryu could not raise his level from 1 at all, no matter how hard he tried. One day, however, he was forced to take on the task of carrying luggage for a dungeon raid.

However, when the adventurers encounter a dragon in the dungeon, they slash Ryu’s legs and leave him behind. The adventurers had hired Ryu with the intention of using him as a [sacrificial stone] in times of danger.

However, Ryu’s predicament brings back his sealed memories and abilities, and he slays the dragon and returns alive.

When Ryu returns to the Adventurers’ Guild, he protests that he was left behind, but to his surprise, the guild master is also in on it.

With his overwhelming power in his hands, Ryu’s revenge begins…

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  1. Japanese novel

Latest Release

Date Group Release
09/18/24 Quaslation v3c98
09/18/24 Quaslation v3c97
09/18/24 DasuiTL c31
09/17/24 Quaslation v3c96
09/17/24 Quaslation v3c95
09/17/24 DasuiTL c30
09/16/24 Quaslation v3c94
09/16/24 Quaslation v3c93
09/16/24 Quaslation v3c92
09/16/24 Quaslation v3c91
09/16/24 DasuiTL c29
09/15/24 Quaslation v3c90
09/15/24 Quaslation v2c89
09/15/24 Quaslation v2c88
09/15/24 DasuiTL c28
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