A Basement-Dwelling Loser, the Inquisitor


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15th birthday. Returned to Earth.

But this world is also full of heresy.

Associated Names
One entry per line
A basement-dwelling loser, the Inquisitor
Bulletproof Steamed Heresy Interrogator
방구석 찐따 이단 심문관
Related Series
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3 Reviews sorted by

Sareza rated it
September 15, 2024
Status: c28
The novel's pretty decent. It's your typical slice-of-life, but it does its job well. What really stands out is the character development. In just 20 chapters, we see the FL go from a shy, introverted hikikomori to someone who can actually hold a conversation. It's a gradual, believable change, which makes it feel more satisfying.

Though it doesn't break new ground, it's a solid read if you're into slice-of-life stories where the focus is more on internal growth rather than big plot twists. The pacing keeps things steady, and you can... more>> really appreciate the subtle ways the FL starts to open up. There's nothing particularly flashy here, but it delivers where it counts.

Summary :

The main character starts off as a man but gets pulled into another world, where he's transformed into a woman. In this new world, there's a real god, and the MC takes on the role of an inquisitor, serving directly under this divine being. After some time, the MC returns to the original world but remains in their female form. Things take a twist when the MC enters a game world where a so-called god exists, but it turns out this god is fake. As a result, all the priest-related jobs that follow this false god are considered "heretics". The MC, now fully embracing their role as a true inquisitor, is determined with hunting down and eliminating these "heretics". That's pretty much the core of the story.

PS. It's VR, no one actually dies. There were some annoying chapters where the previous one is just repeated but with a different perspective, it's kinda bothersome.

Also TL, plz add an indicator when the POV switches, it's quite confusing. Something like adding [* * *] or [• • •] would be enough. Anyways, that's all (∗•̀ᴗ• ́∗) ง

Pretty good cover illustration. <<less
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James Baily
James Baily rated it
November 24, 2024
Status: c30
To be completely honest, there's a whole atmosphere of disconnect. The MC is running around massacring players in a video game as if that's impressive and scary. I've never particularly enjoyed the live-streaming tag because of this. And the whole thing about the religion? It's as if the MC is just role-playing. My sense of immersion was constantly being interrupted by the flimsy descriptions and out-of-place dialogue. Meh. I'll just go read something else.
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Aishdoll- rated it
October 6, 2024
Status: c21
Subjectively I enjoy this novel a lot, the writing is good, the plot is kind of simple, and the MC is not that bad though sometime his behaviour is not likeable.

The thing that I don't like is the god, still no confirmation of why they do the work to MC, but maybe we will get the answer in future. Also the story is repeating, and it is quite slow paced... Or it is just me?

Anyway, actually I want to give something like 3, 7 but NU don't have decimal in... more>> it so I will just leave 4/5 for now. <<less
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