A Baby Raising A Villain


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Somehow, I was adopted by the world’s strongest villain. If there’s a problem, its that i’m facing the death flag all the time?

“Is this a way of you asking me to end you?” My lion dad, Eden LionHeart, who seems to lack something for a long time. I decided to survive by a bloodless beast. I’m going to train my male father! *

“How dare you make my emergency food cry?” Did he like the cat fishing rod I made last month? Or because the churros I made last last month were so good? Something is wrong with my dad.

“Get out of my sight right now. I’m the only one who can pick on our emergency food.” Dad. Is this another death flag?…?

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악당을 조련하는 아기님
Related Series
Baby Squirrel Is Good at Everything (1)
I Adopted A Villainous Dad (1)
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The Baby Raising A Devil (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. A Villainous World
  2. Baby Fl
  3. Daddy-Daughter
  4. rofan novels stuck in my tabs pt. 3
  5. Growing Up Loved This Time

Latest Release

Date Group Release
10/19/23 DarkStar Translations c25
10/19/23 DarkStar Translations c24
10/19/23 DarkStar Translations c23
10/18/23 DarkStar Translations c22
10/18/23 DarkStar Translations c21
10/18/23 DarkStar Translations c20
10/18/23 DarkStar Translations c19
10/18/23 DarkStar Translations c18
10/18/23 DarkStar Translations c17
01/13/23 Bwithy0u Translation c16
01/13/23 Bwithy0u Translation c15
01/13/23 Bwithy0u Translation c14
12/08/22 Bwithy0u Translation c13
12/07/22 Bwithy0u Translation c12
09/26/22 Bwithy0u Translation c11
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