5 Ways To Retire The Bad Girl


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I’ve regressed.

I was mu*dered for being a wicked woman, reincarnated, and was doing well, and now I’m back?

It was a shocking development, even more so than when I realized my previous life was a work of fiction.

‘Let’s get out of the Empire. I will live for my own happiness in this life.’

Aelia had no intention of reliving the past.

However, before she made decision, the people around her began to change.

“I will stay with you, I will not leave you, I will protect you from anything.”

Even I begged and clung to him, but those who had turned their backs on me hovered around me.

“Are you hurt?” he asked.

The Crown Prince, who had been walking past, pretending not to notice when he was grabbed by the hair before his eyes, inquired.

“Why are you suffering alone, the Princess of the Empire?”

The Matriarch, who glared at her as if he would tear her to shreds every time they met, poured out a torrent of worries.

And the biggest problem is.

“Are they starving you in the palace? Why do you look so thin every time I see you?”

The mysterious man.

His voice was gentle, whispering a warmth she hadn’t known she needed.

As if he was trying to make up for the deficiency Aelia felt in her previous life.

In this life, could she be happy?

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